
Do all highschools and junior highs give out school supplies list.....?

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on the first day of school in Illinois or days aftrr that not ,before school starts

b/c i went to orientation and i saw kids putting supplies in their lockers




  1. No, some high schools and jr highs don't have a list. My hig hschool doesn't.

    But the suplies you need are pretty basic, notebooks, pens, pencils, binder(jr high), calculator,

    thats pretty much it.

    Teachers usually tell you your first day, or atleast within the first weeek .

    GOOD LUCK!!!!

  2. Not all schools do, but most do that. However, the teachers will tell you what you need. They usually say 'you have to have it by this week' or something to that effect. My Giant Eagle mailed supply lists, so it was wierd, haha.. but yeah, most of them do.

  3. I Really Didn't Understand Your Question But If You Were Asking If High school and Junior High Give out School Supplies List Well Then My School Does Not.

    Hopes This Helped You Out A Little.

  4. I'm pretty sure they give you the supply list on the first day of school. That's what they do at mine!! Those kids were putting in just the basic supplies. They were probably putting in notebooks and stuff just to be ready for the first day of school.

  5. Well not really. Most high schools/junior high schools gives out supplies list when you come in the first day or the orientation.

    Sometimes some teachers tells you what you need like math, you would need a scientific calculator or a graphing for class. :D

  6. some schools don't hand out lists

    but your teachers will tell you what you'll need

  7. my high school didn't. on the 1st day the teachers just tell u what to bring for their class

    but b4 that just get basic stuff :pencils, erasers, glue, etc

  8. i don't think so. in jr. high we got lists but in high school we just go to class with our summer assigments and a pencil and the teachers tell us what we have to get that night and have it ready by the next class.

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