
Do all husband call or think there wives are crazy?

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Every time my husband and I have a disagreement somewhere in the conversation/argument he says I am crazy all women are crazy, he should have listened to his dad.




  1. Um.... women are crazy.....

    He's got communication issues, but he is right...

  2. Yup.

  3. Ugh! Yes, all men appear to think women are crazy. And that's because they never took the time to figure out how our minds work! I think astrophysics is crazy but if I sat down and studied it, it would start to make sense!

  4. umm no

    I don't think I liked the idea of his dad either

    men are tempered and moody

  5. I can't say that all women are crazy because I don't know all women,

    but I can tell ya that my ex was crazy!

  6. lol i hear that all the time too from my guy. i think that they just say that because they dont want to admit that we are right and they are wrong.  

  7. all men do not think their wives are crazy most men have a better vocabulary and call them mean and nasty names so be lucky.

  8. I think you are nice, not crazy.

  9. Yes!!!

    They just say because he's probably 'guilty' and he didn't find any other way to justify himself.

    Every men say their wives are crazy and insane and they just foolish and they don't know nothing at all. Just ignore... Men are like that, but we can't live without them (:

  10. No, not all men but many just don't get us.   That would require too much effort for them to step outside of themselves, I guess.

    Studies indicate that there are distinct differences in how men and women tend to perceive, process and respond to information.  Not only is your husband ignorant of this basic fact, he seems insensitive, intolerant and impatient regarding your feelings as his wife and as a woman.

  11. that's their answer for everything, do not believe him and follow your instincts

  12. Not the good ones. My parents will be married for 40 years in December. I have never heard my father call my mother crazy for any reason.

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