
Do all male cats pee squatting down mine does...

by  |  earlier

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I opened the flap while my cat was on the loo and he was squatting while peeing




  1. Whatever their gender, urination is always performed whilst squatting.  Spraying however, is carried out whilst the cat is standing, and typically they back up to a vertical object before they spray.  This is because spraying is mainly done for scent marking (which needs to be a cat head height), to either advertise their sexual availability or let other cats know that this is their territory.

  2. lol, i think he studied mom survival skills a little to closely :)

  3. yeah,, they dont pee like male dogs..

  4. Yer, my male does this as well. Cats squat when they just want to pee... because nature calls. Your cat would c**k its leg if it were to pee on a vertical surface and therefore marking it. Squatting is normal and natural for males to do. They only c**k their leg when peeing to mark their territory.

  5. Some cats

    often do that mine do

  6. mine did

  7. yes i have 2 male cats and they do it to.

    one of them puts his tail straight up in the air and kind of shakes... lol    it looks funny.

  8. Yes, male and female cats pee like female dogs, by squatting.

    Male dogs lift a leg.

  9. Yes this is how they pee when they use the litter tray, when marking their territory they raise their bottom upwards to wee up the walls etc especially when they are out doors but this is scent marking rather than peeing.

  10. Yes, this can happen often. Male cats do that so that no one could see it urining/peeing while squating down. Becareful not to step on it!!  

  11. mine does

  12. mine does! lol  

  13. Yes this is true, with exception for tom cats who will mark their territory standing up. All cats pee squatting.

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