
Do all marriages have affairs?

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A know a majority of marriages that have failed due to affairs. Do all marriages have affairs is it a test or a curse. If they all have affairs then what is the point of marriage, just to have your heart broken?





  2. No, not all marriages have a affairs. Yes many marriages have problems but not all of them. They all can be fixed.

  3. no!  not all marriges have affairs...i think it comes down to communication, when you marry ..its the love of your life,,,,your should tell that person everything an they you.. if you have a problem whith them personnaly they as your spouse should honor your bond an you them.....through bad times as well as good ,,,,i love my wife more than anything an i know i can tell her anything, she may not agree or like what i say ...but she loves me just the same an her need to keep a union of communication

  4. i don't think all married people have affairs but I'm sure at least half of all marriages do! Both men and woman now days don't know how to stay faithful and I'm not sure what the point of getting married exspecaily if the person knows that they are going to cheat!

  5. Not me? I don't want trouble, can't sleep good. Why bother make everyone hurt?

  6. no not all marraiges have affairs..

    i think its sad how people woud cheat on each other even after their married. i know i would never do that.

    i think the point of marriage is to stay with your lover forever and maybe start a famliy

    always be faithful :]

  7. Not all marriages have affairs, just like not all marriages have spousal abuse, alcoholic problems, drugs, gambling, etc.... all marriages have issues, and there are arguements......marriage is hard work.

    The point of marriage, to me, is to declare before God and the rest of the world that two people are dedicating their life to one another, and to create a family.

  8. People have affairs because of unhappiness that exists with the person having the affair.  The unhappiness could be any aspect of their life.  Men make the error of assuming that the answer to their plight is in the bed of another woman.  Usually it is not.  Marriages go south, because we make bad choices.  The institution in itself is sound, but we just make bad choices. If we make good choices, the marriage will be indescribably delicious.

  9. No, all marriages that fail aren't because of affairs. Often when marriages start having problems no matter what they are, people start looking at others for the answers to their problems. It's always easier to forget about dealing with the realistic problem and look to someone else to distract you from it...however, in the end you really have made things more complicated.Too often people are attracted to each other and right away because of it they think they should jump right into marriage. What's the hurry ? Take your time to get to know each other and create a friendship first. Spend time doing things that you like so you can see how you really get along together.Honestly discuss your religious beliefs, how you feel about having children, what your feelings are about working and what your goals are and what you plan on doing about them...and don't forget to discuss family values, and what kind of a relationship you have towards your own family.These are REAL important things especially when you are married and under the same roof ! Believe me when I say that marriages don't work so good when they are because marriage was tested out first and the physical aspects of it were good,or he or she was so good looking,or he or she has a good income ,etc. Marriage with someone you love is supposed to be a lifetime commitment sealed by vows made before God...not to be taken lightly. Good luck in finding the answer  for you.

  10. not every marriage does but most would be shocked as to woman tell me when i am working at different locations spend some time with them and get to know them then poof they drop into your hands there pretty easy now a days its not valued like the earlier years. how to prevent a marriage from failing? it will require a connection of mind body and soul

    so dont get married till your 40 even then these woman will cheat on you they like new stuff a change then they break your heart.  

  11. I don't think all marriages have affairs but a majority of them do. It has just become so easy to do and women are more friendly that they were years ago.  

  12. There is no point,its all bull,we live in a disposable society,welcome to the meat market

  13. no affairs here in this marriage of 9 years. We try to keep each other happy and appreciate each other. I could never devastate him because I would welcome the opportunity to be told what I need. Woman usually cheat because their husbands are not providing the emotional support they need.. Men cheat for s*x. just have to decide whether that possibly crappy o****m is worth hurting the wife whom  you love and cherish. If it is, then you shouldn't be married at all.

  14. Not all. We are all humans and make mistakes. People get married because they love each other and believe in commitment. What's the problem? You don't have to get married. With such attitude you can stay lonely all your life.

  15. No not all marriages have had affairs to rock the very foundations. Its just that there are people out there that are marrying for the wrong reasons, unhappy and instead of separating they commit infidelity. Some just find themselves in situations that they shouldn't have been and it happens. Not saying that its justified for them to do this, but there are people out there that love the one that they are with, but over the years they've strayed away from the things that made them fall in love with one another in the first place. Things go lacking and well there is someone that is there that reminds them of how they used to fill and instead of them resisting temptation, they yeild to it. In the end they regret it and find themselves in a place they never wanted to be in the first place and most times the consequences are that their marriages end and their family is crushed.

    Then you have those that are selfish. Don't care who they hurt and wasn't in it for the long-term of the marriage. That's where most marriages happen and well its a shame. I talked to a friend of a friend and we knew that they husband was a sleeze ball to begin with because he's hit on women we knew and found out about all the other women he's been with. He didn't even care that it was within the town or neighboring cities, he was just out for what he could get and then came home to her. Now giving the manner of how much this woman loved him, at first she didn't believe it until one night while driving home from a banquet, she spotted her husband's company car at a house 20 mins from their home. She drove around the block and waited for almost 2 hours before he came out of the house with no only his t-shirt on and his shirt in his hands and kissing the very attractive dark-skinned lady. She was devastated. Especially when she had just found out that she was pregnant. After that, she moved out of the home and he told her that since she was carrying their child he would pay child support, but he only wanted her as a trophy wife because he was a high profiled man in the community and she looked good and had great connections. Now he's paying for that decision.

    Then you have those that cheat in a way that I really feel is a shame. Cheating out on a loved one that is sick or pregnant. I understand that the loved one that you are with is sick, possibily dying, and big as a house, but you vowed to love them through sickness and health. What makes you have the right to be with someone else because they can't satisfy you sexually and they are going through a really tough time? For someone that does this its selfish and mean and just down right disqusting.

    But then for me I've been married for almost 10 years. Me and my husband have ahd people try and come in and just tempt us in times where we were in some very tight places in our marriage. I always heard that over time you have to renew the very reason why you both fell in love with one another. With financial problems, filling unfulfilled, unappreciated, overwhelmed with our 4 kids and so much, there were two people in our lives that grapped our attention from each other and almost caused us to make some bad choices, but because we work at keeping each other happy it didn't work. We are going to be renewing our vows later this year.

    People have forgotten what it took to fall in love and that it takes a great deal of work to keep it going. BUT mostly, you have to actually have a respect for each other and a conscienous that if things like that comes up, that your love and respect for your lover and family outweighs the temptation. For me and him we also believe soully in God. That's where we place our faith and our trust for a successful marriage in his hands. We've out lasted some of our friends who marriaged around the time we did and even though I hate it for them, I thank God that I am still as much in love with him, than the day I told him I was in love with him. This is what's lacking now days.  

  16. Yes, no one takes marriage serious anymore, most people are selfish and think only of themselves and their pleasures

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