
Do all married men have a desire to cheat?

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It just seems that most married men seriously consider (or have already) cheated on their wives. They don't seem to think about the consequences and how much they hurt people. Am I right? I feel there is a morality crisis with men. What are your thoughts?




  1. I think you are very RIGHT all men are disgusting a******s that think only with their *****. For example (this might sound like bs, but i have never desired another man since ive been married) my husband on the other hand he cant stop starring at every girls *** that walk by IN MY FACE!!!aaahhhh, and then he has the nerve to say "i cant help it" so anyway 60% of men cheat 40% of women cheat. That means 6 out of every 10 guys cheat, that's more than half, only 4 out of every women cheats!!! Men think they half to live to society's mentality of more women more power, they cant keep their p***s in their pant and then they want a second chance.....arrrrrrrrrrrhhhhhhh! I think no cheater deserves a second chance, i strongly believe once a cheater always a cheater!!! unless they have a life turn around like being born agian(spiritually). Men are lieng cheating scumbags, that arent worth the penny in thier pocket!!!! That is only MY opinion though!  

  2. I dont believe all men have the desire to cheat, or that all men will cheat. Remember, just as many women cheat as men. It all depends on their morals and what is sacred to them. There are still good men out there.  

  3. I do not believe that all married men have the desire to cheat, but there are some married men out there that do and why they want to cheat is beyond me.  

  4. only when they are not truly happy in all areas of their relationship, or if their not in love

  5. What do you call cheating, there is love and their is just plain s*x don't confuse the two.

  6. i believe that some, not all, men do one of three things during their midlife crisis to make themselves feel younger...


    -buy an ungodly priced new car

    -or, work on their physical appearance

    i also believe that most men have a guilty consence that tells them that cheating is wrong, and the person they are with loves them for who they are. besides, if you didn't you would have left them a long time ago.

    hope i helped!

  7. I have no interest in cheating.  I just want to have s*x with every woman I meet.

  8. no not really  

  9. not  all men cheat or think about it

  10. I cheated, but cause of poor communications between my wife and I. (Which we are both at fault). What you should ask, why do women cheat as well? It seems more and more you hear of women cheating.  

  11. I have to agree with you.  I think society has allowed men to feel as if their p***s is the most important thing in the world.  They don't seem to be able to live without constant attention to s*x.  I wish they would try evolving enough to learn that this is not all there is to life.

    I am constantly SHOCKED when another public figures (i.e., Bill Clinton, John Edwards, John Kennedy, Gary Hart, the actor David Duchovny) continue to get caught in sexual affairs and then are so "sorry" when they get caught.  Haven't they figured it out yet?

    I think it's time that women don't allow this behavior any more either.  When these men cheated not ONE of the wives left them, thereby giving them permission to do it again.

    How sad that men are so selfish and shallow.  Sorry, I am generalizing, I don't mean to say ALL men are selfish but the ones that are need to realize how much it hurts when they behave like that.

  12. don't generalize, please.  

  13. Not me; I'm happy at home.

  14. 23% of men have cheated

    17% of women have cheated

    I will never understand why anyone would consider cheating, but you just have to find the right guy. Sure about 1 in 5 guys cheat, but if you keep looking you will find someone very special.

  15. NO.  Not ALL men are insecure thoughtless selfish fools who think nothing of disrespecting their vows.  In FACT, there are just as many WOMAN who cheat on their husbands, AND even worse - women who cheat and get pregnant on top of it!  NO married MAN can be worse that THAT!  

  16. it is nature to be attracted to the opposite s*x in that way, particularly, if they perceive a little flirtation. sometimes both women and men, boys and girls are unintentionally or intentionally being flirtatious. only ignorant people who were not raised to acknowledge and deal with this are the fundamental problem.

    men often misinterpret female behavior. females very often test their "powers" and deny what they do. you have to be very young or near brain dead to be unaware how this goes on.

  17. No because I wasn't married first of all, so sorry if I don't fit the category. I was with a girl in a relationship that recently ended, and it was 8 or 9 months long.

    I never had the desire to cheat on her, because I loved her. I did have some thoughts about other girls that walked by us like Wow I wonder what this girl looks like naked but that's natural in my opinion. I would never act on impulse and would never consider cheating on a woman that I love, because nobody deserves that type of pain. I couldn't live with myself.

  18. no

  19. Don't blame us guys on only cheating, because women in general cheat also as much as us men.  Cheating just happens!  No body intends to cheat at all, but sometimes you lose selfcontrol or temptation just gets into the way of beautiful man and woman relationships. We are all human being vunerable to make big and small mistakes, no matter how careful we are.  

  20. Oh, you mean women dont cheat?

    I think your question should be more carefully worded to say married people, not just men.  

  21. Most studies show that men cheat when things at home go south. I think too many women get married and then turn off the s*x, or they have kids and the kids end up the center of moms world. Men need to feel number one, they need their wife to be their sexual partner and if they aren't they go somewhere else.

    My husband and I have talked about this and he thinks man should get out before they cheat and I agree but I think in the back of a mans mind he doesn't want to lose his wife he just needs a s*x partner.  Just my thoughts:)!

  22. i think you are generalizing way too much.

    Just yesterday i was answering a question on her from a woman that had already set a date when to cheat on her husband, and i've seen a couple of those in the past week. The divorce rate is higher than it has ever been and I believe it comes from both sides. people rush into marriage so fast these days without thinking about it, and some do it before ever even living together and that is just a huge mistake. But to answer your question outright, no, i don't believe married men, or even non married men has a desire to cheat. Poor communication in a relationship is typically what leads to cheating, and i believe poor communication is the fault of both people involved.

  23. I think all people are just attracted to the opposite s*x and it's not a problem unless you make it one.

  24. All men are going to look and comment over other women, but that doesn't mean they are going to cheat.  I have been married for 18 years and my husband and I have even discussed this before.  Unfortunately, some men are made out to be married and can't remain faithful, and sometimes that are "forced" to do that I mean, if a wife pressures her husband wanting to know every little tidbit he does, like she doesn't trust him, she is going to push him away.  The best thing is to have trust and respect in one another and also space.  You should have time for yourself to spend time with your girlfriends, shop, relax etc.  and he should have the same.  But most of all, if you love, trust and respect one another, you can't ask for anything more.  We have been married 18 years with this philosophy and it has worked so far.....

  25. No not all married men have the desire to cheat or have cheated only the ones who have a lack of love and respect for their wives.

    My husband would never cheat on me cause he is a good decent man,a great husband,loves me more then anything and would NEVER do anything to hurt me or our marriage plus he respect his vows and is strongly against infidelity.

    There are millions of married men who wouldnt even think of cheating on their wives.

  26. flashmeyourbigboobs doesn't!!   He just beats everyday!!  LOL  ;-)

  27. no they dont

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