
Do all of you Obama haters support this assisination attempt the Denver police stopped?

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The racist avitars, the hate filled rhetoric that pours out of conservative talk radio and TV....will you neo-cons only feel validated when one of your buddies pulls the trigger?




  1. If you check out the facts 3 Republican Presidents have been killed

    while in office plus Reagan was nearly killed and an attempt was made

    to shoot Ford all Republicans,only one Democrat President was

    killed while in office J.F.K. So it would seem that the Republican

    Presidents are more likely to be shot while in office which doesn't

    come as a surprise seeing as how Liberals place a low value on life

    which is why they support abortion.

  2. Obama was not in Denver, there were kooks from all walks of life.  Were you there.

  3. Flashback to 1981. President Ronald Reagan was hit by bullets fired by John Hinckley Jr and was almost killed. President Reagan recovered and went on to be one of the most successful and beloved Presidents.

    Assassination attempts are part of being President. They can and will happen to them all, Republican or Democrat.

  4. Why does it always seem as though the leaders with the most promise and the most vision are the ones who are targeted by the murdering nut jobs? I'll bet that the toothless cons would be thrilled if someone shot Obama

  5. Sure Assaination attempts come with the territory... but  people SHOULD NOT wish death on a person. Thats just not human, its cowardly.

  6. You really need to upgrade your comprehension of the news . They have found that these nuts did not pose any threat to Obama. Obama is his own greatest threat. You are just a complete dip in the road

  7. Wouldn't have worked anyway... I think only a stake through the heart will kill him.  

  8. the police said it was not a credible threat.

    So how you do call it an assassination attempt? There was no attempt!

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