
Do all phones need phone jacks?

by Guest65970  |  earlier

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i could have sworn that i owned a cordless phone that just needed to be plugged in by the charger.

if you find any that i can buy online please attatch them.

i really want a phone in my room without going through the trouble of installing a jack.




  1. Hi Atrix: Yes, there are Power line phone adapters.A friend of mine has one, works fine.There are two units. At your present tel jk, plug in a splitter. Plug your present phone into the splitter. Connect the other splitter jk with a mounting cord & plug it into the Power line adapter. GOTO the location where you want the other phone. Plug in the other Power line adapter, then plug that phone into the adapter. This same arrangement is also available for Computer adapters.I do not have an adapter number or where to buy at present, but I will research & place another answer. Exbelltel  GOTO:  Phonex Easy Jack 2 $44.95. Also Radio Shack,GE7L86597, Cat# 55021556, $67.99. Probably others. exbelltel

  2. Yes, you need a phone jack.

    You can't plug it in just by the charger, as there's no way you can get a telephone connection through that.

  3. It sounds like you were using a cordless accessory extension phone.

    Accessory extensions only use a charger.  But, they always make their phone connection Wireless to the Base Station phone, which was probably in another room and plugged into a phone jack there.

    Now days, cordless phones can accomodate up to 8 or 10 wireless extension phones.  Try one of the newer DECT 6.0 phones:

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