
Do all police in the UK have formal training for missing persons??

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Even if they are in a small toen anywhere in the UK? Are they all trained with a procedure to deal with this event?




  1. No but all Forces have set procedures for Officers to follow. So each report is dealt with in a set way even though there is no specialist training. So the papers that are slagging of Portugal and who appear to say we would have put specially trained officers on place are talking rubbish, as usual!

  2. The days are gone when the police did special training for crimes like sexual assault and the like. All police receive such training as part of their basic training now.  

  3. There's just a standard protocol there isn't special training just for that, it's covered in the general training. There is a set procedure that everyone follows. x

  4. I can only answer for the training I was given at a regional training college but we had input on how to deal with missing persons.  We also have employment based training on these issues and other ongoing training.

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