
Do all quiet and silent people have very active minds? ?

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I am a very silent person and most definitely, I think a lot. I go deep into things, I philosophize and analyze about life and people, I think of where I stand, what I can improve on, I mull over many different things, I worry too. But on the surface, am very calm and peaceful (is what people say).

So I all silent people have active minds and a very rich inner life? I know a few people like that who are very silent.




  1. im the same way.

  2. I'm not sure.. I used to be very shy and retiring and I've always had an active mind and explosive imagination. It could be, and if it is true, I wonder why? Very interesting.

    Then again, with all generalisations, there will always be exceptions.  

  3. i'm very silent and shy, yet i'm considered quite smart with over 140 iq.i think loads, sometimes i'm incredibly proud and i can be big headed and others i feel really low but no matter what i'm always thinking.

  4. I do believe so. I can be loud or quiet though, depending on my comfort level and mood. I tend to think very deeply about things and over-analyze them...which is a good thing, and a bad thing at the same time. I am also a highly sensitive person (hsp). I'm very moody. I'm also a very deep thinker which can lead me to anxiety and nervousness because at the same time I am shy and afraid of rejection, since it's happened to me  many times. I also daydream quite a bit. Haha I'm also a bit crazy and wild even though I seem so quiet and shy...I think quiet people are actually a little more wild than those who are outgoing!

  5. Yes.

    I am silent (not so much with friends, because I can share my thoughts) but at my after-school job, I didn't know anyone and was quiet right from the get-go. They always say "She's so quiet" "She must be miserable" and I know they think I'm a weirdo. I'm so quiet, because working at Wendy's is boring, and let's face it, you really don't have to be a genius, or concentrate too much to take orders, wipe table and pour drinks etc. So usually, I have philosophical debates in my head, or develop what I think and try to understand what philosophers think. Recently, I read the book "The Oustider" (Camus) and another book "Wonderful Wonderful Times" (Jelinek) where something bad happens (I won't give it away) because a character misinterpreted "The Outsider". Lately, I've been thinking about whether Camus shares the blame with the one who carried out the bad deed. It gets me through the shifts...

    So imho, we are silent BECAUSE we have active minds.  

  6. I am the same way. Its like I can't really stop thinking.

    Sometimes it gets to be a headache.

    But yeah, I'm quiet most of the time and think, philosophize, analyze, etc.


  7. i think some do. yet some are just shy.

    im quiet and i think alot, my thoughts seem to just go on and on until i get lost in them. i think about life and ppl too. i mostly read ppl, but i dont even realize im doing it. like how they act or what they say and why they do certain things. its really easy to do since im in high school, there are alot of people to guess ill do something like that as a job when im older.

  8. Im not a quiet or shy person but when I am quiet wow Im thinking about anything and everything.  

  9. I'm not really sure if it's all of them but it's definantly a lot of them. I know because I too am a very silent person and I think A LOT. Sometimes I can't turn the thoughts off and sometimes I can't even sleep because of it. I also analyze people and things and think about my life and human life in general. People see me as very silent and are even afraid of me. I know because I've heard them talking about me. Really though, just because I don't say my thoughts out loud doesn't mean I'm not thinking them. I use to think that most people were like me and knew what common sense was. Turns out that I'm very mistaken. So to answer your question, I say that yes most quiet people are like that.

  10. Yea im pretty quite and sometimes when ever i think about walking its like i forget how to walk and start walking funny lol

  11. Me. the same I am quiet and think a lot and plan and try to carry thru all the things I want to do, I do not just jump and get carried away, Think things out, pros and cons and them make a decision,

  12. Not always. Sometimes there will be people like yourself that are shy and quiet but are active thinkers and who enjoy thinking deeper.

    But I have come across people who are silent and shy, but they are so insecure that all they think about is what people think of them and thats why they are so quiet. It is as if they have nothing worthwhile to say and they just don't think about anything but 'whats wrong about them'.

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