
Do all rangers run from personal adversity in their lives? I've always thought they stood firm when the s$*&

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hits the fan. LEAD THE WAY! right?




  1. Rangers are still human beings, each with their own strengths and flaws, and, like individuals of any other kind, they all have limits to what they can handle, military training doesn't change that.  I spent 20 years in the military, including active duty during both Nam and Desert Storm, and one of key things that let people handle the chaos of war was the knowledge that they would be able to relax at home when it was over.  Everyone needs someplace they can find peace of mind, take that away and anyone will eventually break.  Even in peace time it was a recognized statistic that after a ship was deployed overseas a certain percentage of the married crew would divorce upon return, it was sad and we tried to minimize it, but it happened, the Military is a hard life, and even more so on families, that's just the way it is.    

  2. A soldier has a schizo-type scene going if a live war is on, from chain of command to home kickin' back.

    The tiny upsets seem absurd, but be careful with that.

    To me, they are tied to that person's continuing emotional occupation with what they can't leave behind. They are so wrapped that some minor thing happens and there's no emotional energy left to handle it.

    So, they're not really like that as a person, but this is a hard deal for you if you have no one else to talk about it with that's been through it before, find that someone, I don't have answers they will know.

    Maybe come up with a slogan for the situation, which is absurd, like "don't shoot it !!", and, smile when you say whatever fits, it's a joke. Just repeat it every time one of these comes up, it won't take long for him to get it and it'll help a lot.

    One of these days he may let it start coming out, but don't let him tell war stories, stop him and have him tell you how he feels about it now, it brings it around the circle, keep it going in a circle, from what I know it helps deal with it and re-balance to normal life again but I'm no expert so offer this as close enough to see what's up and a Nam vet that didn't want to kill anyone.

  3. what... kind of question is this.

    people from all walks of life run from it, RangerSchool didnt make them not able to deal with there problems

  4. Are you a Rangerette?

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