
Do all spiders have red spots on inverted belly or just the black widow??

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Hi all, I found and killed a spider,which has a red spot on its inverted belly,I searched on the internet and it says black widow spider the posionous one has an hour shaped red spot but this one doesnt seem to have this hour shape,but has like a red point,do all spiders have red spots or am I just not able to define its shape??




  1. It may be possible,however There is a chance it's a widow

  2. No, they don´t, thoughblack widows aint´the only specie to have red marks on the belly.

  3. yes

  4. Nope!

  5. Not all spiders have a red mark.  Not even all black widows have one.  Black widows vary in color from brown to dark red to black.  Some have no red marking, some have a red spot, some have a broken or lopsided hourglass shape, some have more of an anvil shape, some have only a perfect red hourglass, and others will also have red spots or stripes.  There can also be streaks of brown or grey.  However, if it's a black spider with a single red marking on the underside of its abdomen, it is almost certainly a black widow.

    If it's dead though, it doesn't really matter because dead spiders don't bite.  :)

  6. Some do, most don't.

    Not all black widows have a red hourglass, this is a common misconception.

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