
Do all women live in constant dissatisfaction?

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Do all women live in constant dissatisfaction?




  1. Depression is an epidemic in cultures and communities in which women assume the most tradtional gender roles, such as the epidemic of depression that has been occuring in the U.S. among Mormon women, per CDC reports.  The MORE self-determing that a woman is, the less dependent on others that she is, the less depression in general she is.  Makes sense.

  2. yes

  3. Nope. I wake up every morning marveling that life turned out so sublime, by a combination of luck and hard work.

  4. Nope, I live in constant satisfaction.  My hubby and I make a *combined* $48K/year but we're working our way up and working hard.  We love each other and both take care of each other.  We have a wonderful life, and allow ourselves little pleasures even though we don't make much.  Each new day is wonderful because of the things it holds for us and I would never be happy with anyone else, no matter what they could give me, because they could never give me what my man gives me every single day.

  5. Constant?  No.  But I do like to better myself...within reason.

  6. Not my lady (leaning over to make sure).

  7. I can see where people would view women as being in a perpetual state of dissatisfaction. Women are constantly trying to improve themselves. I have read to many articles detailing this very point. Most won't admit it. As someone who worked in an almost exclusive female profession for 8 years. I always heard women complaining about something; their husbands, children, their mother law, you name it.

  8. NO, some just wither away and diminish.

  9. No.  Do all men?

  10. I think a lot of people do, because society tells us what we want. EG careers, it's the social norm and the message is 'WOmen, yes you should have a career, stop being opressed you know you want a career!' when it's not really what they want.

  11. I am very satisfied, thanks for asking.

  12. Only the ones that don't earn what they received. You can only really appreciate something if you deserve it. Thats why all the alimony in the world couldn't buy a feminist happiness. She'd still be here berating men for kicks.

  13. I don't think all women are unhappy. I'm sure many of them are satisfied with their lives. Besides, with some women, they're only happy,....when they're unhappy. You know who I mean. They always date the biggest jerk they can find and avoid nice gentlemen like the plague.  Those gals are a small minority, which is good.

  14. My ex-wife does.  Holy mackeral, she's always trying to con me...she's rarely happy.

  15. I'm a woman, I'm completely satisfied with my life despite the bad things that have happened/are happening. I have no reason not to be.

    Therefore I've disproved the "all women" part of your question.

  16. No,

    Some die in it as well.....

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