
Do all women today think the world revolves around them? example would be abortion. why can a women decide?

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the life or death of another life. I feel women have a hard time deciding if they look fat in these jeans...




  1. Because it is "her body, her choice" How can you possibly ask a woman to sacrifice nine months out of her life to carry a child? What a huge burden. Like what if she doesn't want to get fat or have gas?

    Sorry, that was sarasm. I am a woman and I think the father of the child has a right allow the child to live. Sadly, a man has no say regarding an abortion. An innocent baby could have a father who wants him/her to live but a mother that doesn' want to suffer through nine months of being fat.

    Abortion is murder.

  2. well, next time you have a 5 kilogram* lump of living organism growing in you uterus, you can ask this question again

    *im not overexaggerating here, i was just shy of 5kilograms at birth.

  3. It is interesting but discouraging to see that ignorance and arrogance is alive and well -as evidenced by the men whose testosterone is so great that they want to dominate and sway all aspects of freedom of society to their narrow minded notions!!

    It is this narrow view that wants to shackle nature , knowledge ,God and their fellow humans to a very restricted life,blindly following rules set down for no other purpose but to promulgate dictatorial power by a select few!!

       Nature and therefore life is based upon freedom ,dynamism ,diversity and decisions made by the individual to further their own direction in life!!

      Be it what to have for breakfast to what to wear to whomever they want to associate to the more serious as in choosing a mate ,having a child or not , following a decision to war or being swayed by one's peers- the choice is one's own ultimately to be exercised!!

      To give this power of choice is to give up one's own life and be a slave to the fools who dare  to judge us!!!

  4. No,I don't agree with this.It may happen true only

    certain class of women  who   don't regard  the

    social roles and don't  wish  to link  for   the

    cultural values.

    Most of the women have faith for social and cultural

    worth,so  they can be well recognized by the community.

  5. Right, so sexist and lacking a basic understaning of the biology of pregnancy?

    The reason women have to decide is because of the pressure and dangerous and long term health problems that are involved in pregnancy. I wish men could have a say - and as soon as pregnancy can be carried out in a artificial womb - or if they could transfer it to a surrogate - men can. But until then they cannot force a women to be pregnant, it takes away too much of her autonomy and free will.

    Oh, despite the fact you'll probably not care, pople analyse transcripts of pregnant women considering abortions and they usually show very high level of reasoning (including level of moral reasoning)... just in response to your last comment, in case anyone's interested.

  6. What is really interesting is that women have other options as well, such as the legal ability to abandon an newborn infant or demand the other parent provide a monthly paycheck for up to two decades for her choice not to abort.

    While many reasons are given for giving women up to 4 choices in relation to reproduction, none seem acceptable if applied to fathers.

    Western women are spoiled and irresponsible so don't expect reason or logic to be forthcoming, especially when it comes to the extra privileges women demand for themselves while at the same time and within the same subject, withholding any form of equality between themselves and men.

    Okay, so if it is "her body, her choice" how does that equate into "his responsibility", (but only if and when she says so)?

    It's also "his money, his choice" to pay child support, right? No, his ONLY choice is to do as she decides or become a criminal. That is neither fair nor equal. What it IS, is a good example of modern feminism.

  7. It's simple, it's in their body. It's not gender related.

  8. Yes, a lot of women these days are like that, but not all of us!

  9. women get to decide to get an abortion because they have to carry it. pregnancy takes its tole on the body. and yes they were not the only one that made that baby but if the dad was a stand up guy, the girl probably wouldn't need to get an abortion. they'd be able to support it.

  10. No, all women do not think the world revolves around them.

    I also find your flip comment regarding abortion being a woman's right to be insensitive and potentially offensive.

    If you truly believe women take the decision lightly, how do you explain the mental health issues women often face after abortion?  

    Do you honestly believe most women go for an abortion and then go visit Disney World?  

    Your attitude sucks, man.

  11. Well that's very hypocritical of you. You're saying women shouldn't make the decision on abortion and yet, here you are, attempting to tell women what to do! Our lives are none of your arrogant business so keep your mouth shut on the subject.

  12. No more than men like you think the world revolves around them.  Your body is NOT involved in the physical pregnancy.  Get used to it.

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