
Do alliens really exist?

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where do they come from,what do they look like,what kind of a lifestyle do they have?




  1. We really don't know for sure.

    Although life almost certainly exists elsewhere in the universe, the immense distances between stars makes interstellar travel practically impossible. No scientist has ever been able to examine a real alien, so all descriptions are nothing but fantasy.

  2. that is the $1 million answer! by now we don´t know.

  3. well, lets define our idea of aliens. if you mean these aliens:

    then no, those aliens do not exist. those aliens were created in science fiction books that started to tak off in the 50's and 60's. those aliens were created by fiction writers, and not scientists. people beieved that these aliens existed, and still do today. the simple answer is: no those types of aliens do not exsist. aliens that fly in round saucers and abduct people do not exist, and i'll explain scientifically later.

    now lets define the term "alien" is the scietific sense. an alien is an extra terrestrial organism. basically that means it is a carbon based organism that lives on another celestrial body. these aliens could be very advanced... or very simple. a bacteria cell... even though it is microscopic... that was found on mars would be considered an alien. why? because it is a carbon based organism that lives on another celestial body. even if it was just like a bacteria on earth, it would still be considered an alien, or an E.T. how about plants? well are plants carbon based? yes. are plants considered "living"? yes. thus if a plant was found on mars, or an astroid, or a natural sattelite, it would be considered an alien. even though it doesn't have an means of intelligence whatsoever, it is still a carbon based organism.

    so what are the chances that life exists only in this solar system? in theory, the chance is 1 in 750,000,000,000,000,000. i'll tell you how i came up with that figure.

    in theory, the visible universe, so all the galaxies we can see from earth, contain 750 sextillion solar systems. thats not an exact number, but its a good approximation. now, this is only charting the visible universe... there are a countless number of other galaxies we can't see because they are too far away. so do you really think that we are alone based on that figure? i don't think so.

    a while back, we left a sample of bacteria on the moon. the moon has no air period... definatly no oxygen or carbon dioxcide... and it is also extreamily cold. these bacteria were left on the moon, unatended for a couple of months. when we saw the same same bacteria through a micrscope, the results were astonishing. the bacteria colony was now only 25% of the original size, but thats still amazing. the bacteria cells live for only a couple days at a time, but this colony had been left on the moon for months, and there was still live bacteria. thus proving the bacteria had reproduced. although the colony had died for the most part, many bacteria cells did reproduce. this proved that bacteria can survive on the moon. if tons of this bacteria was placed on the moon, over time, this bacteria would adapt to their surroundings, and eventually prosper on the moon as though they were on earth. even in this extreamily hostile environment.

    for me, that proved that the universe is full of bacteria. if it could survive on the moon, then there must be bacteria littered everywhere.

    now intelligent life... thats a different story. intelligent life is very hard to come by. infact, we haven't encountered any. it is extreamily rare, because the criteria for the sustainment of intelligent life are very exact. a planet has to have the perfect atmosphere so it has a temperate climate... it has to have a temperate climate... it has to have significant sources of liquid water... it has to have rocky land... it has to be the right distance from its local star... there must be a significant source of food... and most importantly, the surroundings must allow for the evolution of the most intelligent organism.

    we are lucky here on earth. we have the perfect atmosphere (so lets not s***w it up), a temperate climate, we are the perfect distance from the sun, we have tons of water and tons of land, and earth is loaded with natural sources of food. you might be thinking, "why is natural food important? couldn't intelligent species farm like we do?" yes, in theory they could. but thats once the become intelligent organisms. until then, they have to have food. when the human hadn't evolved yet, and was still a primate, were apes farming?

    so in theory, life exists. we aren't 100% sure, but i am 99.99% sure. all we need to do is find some type of life... whether it be bacterial, plant, mamal, or intelligent on another celestial body. in my opinion, we are not alone in the universe.

  4. they come from mexico I think and some of them have a good lifestyle, but i think most dont.

  5. My dad told me that there are such thing call Alien. But doesn't appear that often. I am not really sure. I do believe that there are such thing call Alien. Believe in ALIENS!!! & my dad told me that they are so clever than the people on Earth so that they can travel on Earth anytime. Maybe they might not be from our galaxy. Far from here. So far~~~ That u can't go there. Maybe someday...

  6. 50 50

  7. wow, really?

    you really think someone knows alien's lifestyle?

    you scare me

  8. Religious answer:  God/Allah/Yahweh/Jehovah/[insert your deity here] created us and the universe for us and only us.  . All religious groups should strongly support space exploration so we can, hurry up and go forth and multiply into it.  It's there for us.

    Atheist answer:

    Yahoo or Google for the "Hubble Deep Field" image.  It is an image created by focusing on a patch of sky over time.  It covers an area that would be obscured by a dime if you held it at arm's length--i.e. a very tiny bit.  There are thousands of galaxies in that area alone.  Try to comprehend the billions of galaxies everywhere, all those stars and all those planets.  Now, I have to ask? With all that out there, we're the only ones?!?!? That's very conceited of us isn't it?

  9. I defy anyone to give me convincing hard evidence that extraterrestrial aliens have ever visited Earth.  The so-called "evidence" is rotten with fraud, practical jokes, lies and delusion.

    There is likely to be life on some other planets.  But it might only be bacteria, or the local equivalent of cows or trees.  Whatever beings exist in remote regions of this galaxy or in other galaxies, they are almost certainly NOT visiting this planet.  

    The chances of any suitable planet developing life might not be high.  Even if it does, there is absolutely no guarantee that the inhabitants will progress even to the stage of stone tools.  

    There is every indication that the speed of light is the absolute limit for any object that has mass.  

    This means that the amount of time spent in getting from one habitable planet to another could be measured in hundreds or thousands of years, perhaps even hundreds of thousands of years.  While it is conceivable that an advanced race might have a life span of thousands of years, the though of a ten or hundred thousand year voyage is likely to put any one off, even an extraterrestrial enthusiast of going where no alien has gone before.

    Now just supposing an advanced race of extraterrestrials has sprung up on a planet which happens to be relatively close.  Somehow they detect that the Earth has life on it.  Having spent a considerable time and a lot of effort getting to the Earth, these visitors then spend the next several Earth decades buzzing airlines or people on the ground, hanging around isolated areas and going beep-beep at lone travellers, farmers and kids in lover's lane.  

    Would you do this?  Or would you land in the gardens of the Kremlin, The White House or Buckingham Palace and say "We're here!"

    A few of them habitually abduct the same person many times for heaven only knows what reason  The person's neighbours never notice a thing.  Odd, that.  Or maybe they have noticed, the abductee was always a bit odd and is getting odder.  

    There have been thousands of UFO reports.  Most have been satisfactorily explained by known civil or military aircraft, meteorites, the planet Venus, unusual weather conditions and so forth.  

    Of the remainder, I'm certain that many can be put down to mistakes, ignorance, illusion, hallucination and fraud.  Fraud seems to be one of the most common.  

    If you look at the UFO sites around the net, and the stuff that also appeared in magazines with regular UFO articles, what else do you find?  Atlantis, Lemuria, astrology, conspiracy theories, the blasted Bermuda triangle, "we didn't go to the Moon" yadda t-yadda blah blah drivel snork drool; all of it loaded with unsupported assertions logical flaws and frequently, just plain lies.

  10. At least one lives in the White House.

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