
Do allusions need citations?

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I'm writing an essay and I need to use at least one. Also, does anyone know any good biblical quotes about atheism? That's the focal point of my essay.




  1. no allusions don't need citations. and since it doesn't need to be cited, that pretty much MEANS that you don't include it in the works cited page.

  2. No, allusions do not need citations, so long as you do not use direct quotes.

  3. No, allusions do not need citations. You are just referring to another work, not quoting or explaining it. It would not be overt. You should allude to a famous work so that the allusion will be understood.

    Often confused with illusion, an allusion is a literary term that refers to a reference in one literary work to another literary work. E.g. The Simpsons television show constantly refers to (some may say, steals from) movies, music, literature etc. In a scene where Principal Skinner is in his office, he suddenly turns to his window and looks out at an old, spooky house while he talks about a tormented relationship with his mother. This is an allusion to the Norman Bates character in the movie Psycho.

    Another example of an allusion would be "The girl's love of sweets was her Achilles heel," referencing the warrior in Greek mythology, Achilles, who could only be harmed if something hit his heel because he was dipped in magic water as baby when his mother held him by a heel. Achilles' only weakness is his heel, so an Achilles heel reference means a downfall or weakness, in this example a weakness for sweets.

    M.H. Abram's definition: "a brief reference, explicit or indirect, to a person, place or event, or to another literary work or passage"

    allusion is a passing or casual reference; an incidental mention of something, either directly or by implication.

    And you do not need it in your works cited page, either

  4. Allusions do not need citations because they are not mentioning anything directly. You shouldn't be mentioning directly any titles or authors, etc. in an allusion, because then it wouldn't be an allusion.

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