
Do alt med fantasists also believe in alien and 9/11 conspiracies?

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Do alt med fantasists also believe in alien and 9/11 conspiracies?




  1. While the 9/11 conspiracy theories are obviously silly (this coming from someone who never saw a politician they liked), it might be jumping the gun lumping "aliens" in with this.

    While I don't buy into any of the fantasies of abductions or alien visitations to earth, just saying "aliens" could mean believing in the possibility of life (even intelligent life) elsewhere in the universe.  While there's no evidence at this point to support even that, I wouldn't say it's implausible due to the vastness of the universe.

  2. people who believe in one odd thing are far more likely to believe in other odd things.

    There is a huge difference between accepting the possibility of life elsewhere in the vastness of the universe, (the Drake Equation) and believing some of its denizens have travelled across light years to subject us to anal probes.

  3. Yes.

    Aliens do exist. It's just that we haven't found any conclusive proof of them yet. The universe is way too big for our limited technology to find them any time soon. And statistically speaking, they are far more likely to find us first.

    Which 9/11 conspiracy? The official 9/11 Commission fantasy or the theories put forward on the net?

  4. This isn't alt med, nor is it a UFO watchers convention, but you gotta watch this. This is a scientist presenting 9-11 truth no less. Seriously. Watch this progress until a little past 23 minutes point. You are going to laugh your head off! There are a couple of things presented leading up to that point that makes it all the more hilarious. Now this is intended to be serious and it really does seem serious up to that point. Trust me it will be worth it but I don't want to ruin it for you. This is soo bad it's good!!! Here you go:

  5. I am not a fantasist, yet I believe in aliens. You'd be pretty stupid and a fantasist not too, given the infinity of the universe.

    Oh, and the 9/11 conspiracy, just maybe :-)

  6. Yes. A large number of members from our Naturopathic army do believe in different life forms and the cover-up (not a conspiracy) of 9/11.

    And do you know why David? Because our minds are open to absurd which is govern by the law of the universe.

    Indolent like you can never even pass the entry exams, nor the actual study of the unknown.

  7. Think about this rationally, ther are billions and billions and billions are different planets out there, why should we even consider that we are the only planet with any life form on it, of course life exists out there, in all probability 'the man' knows all about it !!

  8. Why do you continue to spread grief & misery & spite?? I reckon u need to focus on your daily nutrition a bit better buddy ......  your stress levels are pretty much through the roof most days ...... stress is one of the precursors to many many ailments and disorders mate .........  i'm concerned for your health ........  i truly am........  i can feel pain coming from you and it's pain that you are causing for yourself ...... Source ways to effectively deal with your stress levels mate ....... i hope that you at least are taking a multi B vitamin supplement to support a healthy nervous, immune and digestive system ........... and eating whole fresh fruits and vegies and lean meats and fishes and wholegrains and cereals and hydrating your body properly with loads of fresh filtered water ....... and avoiding pre-packaged and take away junky type foods......... and man made sugar ....... i don't have an answer to your question that can be printed here ........... leave people be mate, each to his own ........  who are you to tell another person how to think or what to believe in ??  Besides, my mom always taught me that if i didn't have anything nice to say then i should just shut it ...........;0)

    peace baby


  9. The Queen of England believes in alternate medicine, she must know something we don't.  Hang on!  I'll go and ask her if she believes in the other things you mentioned.  

    Lizzie dear, there's a question for you............................

    Sorry!  She just went out to speak to Charlie. He's talking to a tree at present.  

    The truth is out there. It's finding it that gives US the problem and believing it when you do.

  10. Ah, Mr Orisate, you are asking this Stupid question again....

    This time I can answer it because you are using the ID you've not blocked me from.

    Why is that did your other one get deleted?

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