
Do american people know this french association named ReOpen911?

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I'm french and I'm very curious to know if american people know it.

An american friend insists to ask for american people in the rubric "politic government", is she a good advice ?

if you don't know it, here the link




  1. Sounds like a good site. others that desire to get to the truth of the matter in the coverup of the 9/11 schemes and get the true villains.

  2. lololol

    Anything French is a complete joke.  They only know how to surrender and forget to bathe.

  3. Nothing to re-open. We know all the facts, and I cannot read french. I am partically French though. Loved Paris when I was there 20 some years ago.

  4. I didn't know it was french.

    And what about the Weapons ? Did they find them ?

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