
Do american youth realize, that Obama and Hillary split the democratic base, and youth are now the swing vote?

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Democrats are effectively split over Obama or Hillary. Youth brought a victory to Obama in the Iowa caucus, but then failed to show up in New Hampshire, and since. If youth have no choice when inheriting the policies put forth in prior presidential administrations, then they should decidedly get more involved and turn out to vote for the leader they want. It's up to you, "Youth of America", choose wisely. Most of all, SHOW UP and choose.




  1. "Youth of America, choose wisely"  That's funny.  Should the yutes axe their grandparents about the wisdom of irrational exuberance?

  2. Well... Mc Cain is not precisely uniting the Republicans...

  3. Too bad most of them will be home playing with their X-box or too busy watching MTV, or posting mindless videos on YouTube.

  4. Yea, I went to vote in the primaries [first time ever, yay!  ^^], and there were all these senior citizens making their slow way over.  I felt so young, like a baby almost, everyone else was decades older than me.  

    Oh yea, on my way out I saw some high schooler who looked like his parents dragged him there.  >.>

  5. The younger set of people are not interested in Politics except for a few. I am probably wrong, but, those I have come across don't really know much about it. Now those in their thirties probably do. What little the youth's don't know! Politics are just posturing, money,image, and agenda's. That is what they all come down to.

  6. I hope so...

    But if I could I would elect Obama president.

  7. I'm not sure that anyone really realizes the true issues at stake. Most  younger voters I've spoken with in Illinois are not interested at all and did not vote last week. They see right through the hypocrisy of politics and they are not fooled. What a bunch of nonsense it truly is. I'm older and do vote, but come on, young people can't sort out what their own values are how can they determine if a candidate lines up with what they believe is important? Most young people are simply disinterested in the entire process since even if the candidate you like does get into office rarely do they ever do what they said during their campaign. Choosing a candidate for the sake of choosing makes no sense to a person young or old. Young people see right through this and feel that their votes don't make much difference. Of course, they will but really - I'm older and I don't believe in a system where the candidates only support what their biggest financial contributors want and not the majority of Americans and certainly not us average citizens. Why is Hillary so popular - come on - it's all about who has influenced the media the  most in their favor and has the most campaign money. It's so pathetic that no one knows for sure what any candidate really believes or will actually accomplish in office other than vote in raises for fellow politicians and ensure the security of their benefits for life package when we're in a recession and the average folks are losing their jobs. I'm all with the young people who don't vote. I just do it because it's a family tradition and it makes me feel good and patriotic that at least I tried. My votes certainly don't come from the heart. It's the people with money and power in this country who control everything through their campaign contributions, I see how it seems worthless to vote. Young people are the least fooled by all of this nonsense.

  8. Better the youth deciding it than the Greedy Geezers.

  9. Who can speak for the young people of the United States?

  10. No I did not realize that.

  11. Most of America's youth is voting for Obama.  He is promising things that will benefit the middle and poor class, and making school better and more affordable.  I am 14 and am watching the news more than my parents. However, Hilary's husband did a great job in office, so she has all his supporters. Republicans are split to over Hucklbee and McCaine. I believe John Paul is out of the race.  I want Obama to win. I KNOW WHO I WOULD VOTE FOR AND I CAN'T EVEN VOTE YET!!!!!!!!  Some youth people actually care about what is going on in our world.

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