
Do americans care whats happening n iraq? or are we too lazy?

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i just see no kind of movment or unrest about it, are we that lazy?




  1. yep, that's it... we're lazy.

    we care as much about iraq as we do about syria, lybia, north korea, etc.  there are a lot of places in the world that suck but, we aren't attacking them just for the sport of it.

    If we are really THAT good at running governments - what do you say if we start in the US?

  2. they care,but the news,is so manipulated,who knows what is really going on ,and when,americans in general are just so busy trying to make ends meet who has time to put it all together. its a tactic used to cover ones tracks

  3. I think that the biggest issue preventing a major antiwar movement in the US is the easy access deployed soldiers have to the media and how easy it is for an interested person to access blogs etc by deployed troops.

    There is a huge disconnect between how the news media presents the war and how the troops see the war.  The fact that those reporters who have actually embedded with the troops (and as a result see events first-hand) have a much more positive view of the war than the drones who do nothing more than recite a script written for them by the network headquarters.

  4. Not sure that Americans don't necessarily care about Iraq.... there are so many significant issues to contend with (unemployment, jobs overseas, the war on terror, etc.). We are also a complacent culture and oftentimes until an issue knocks at our door, we're not activated to become involved. In addition, many Americans feel powerless as politics, the economy, and other issues overwhelm us. One thing we do know, of all the countries I've lived in, the US is the most most like a child with ADHD... it's attention span and ability to focus  for sustained periods is brief. This brevity makes it appear as if we move from topic to topic.... one week the big theme id Britney Spears, the next one it's the war, after that the focus shifts to the economy and health-care, following this we again shift to the race to the White House....

  5. Yea we are lazy, after working long hours at the office, trying to make ends meet, raising children, making sure there is food on the table, making sure we can make the mortgage payment so we are not on the streets we have no time to go out side and hold up signs in protest. Doesn't mean we dont care, but yes it means we are lazy.

  6. In my opinion, it is not that we don't care, just that we are complacent, disaffected, afraid and we think a movement against the war would not be effective. I think if the draft were reinstated and we saw many more body bags, people would begin to question in more depth the validity of the war. I agree also with what "arewethereyet" says. But I disagree that we are a lazy. We are afraid of losing what we have.

  7. 95% of people just want to live their lives in peace.

  8. on this subject I recommend watching a documentary called - No End In Sight.

    I hadn't heard of it until I check the IMDB award page but it was quite good and very objective. I highly recommend it for anyone who wonders what went wrong in Iraq after we took out Saddam. It is a sticky situation over there.

  9. No it is just that you Americans are like your namesake.

  10. I think that many Americans are so far removed from what is going on in Iraq that they don't care.  Military families and citizens who are engaged in what goes on are the exception.  The war would be more of an issue if it were being fought here rather than in Iraq.  Like so many issues, if the issue is complex, many people steer clear of it.  So, in a way I think your question is phrased properly in that people are lazy.  Add to that idea that people are also very self-centered.  What does not affect them directly receives no attention.  Citizenship takes effort.  Just showing up to vote once in awhile is only a small part of being a responsible citizen.  Events across this globe, including the war, that do not seem to affect Americans who enjoy the benefits of living in a free society, will eventually hit our shores if we are not more engaged and responsible.

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