
Do americans have an honest view of themselves that is portrayed by their media?

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Do americans have an honest view of themselves that is portrayed by their media?




  1. the ones in the political section i would give the V sign to but i have met a few others and they have turned out to be really nice and hate the way they are portrayed by their media  

  2. R U asking if Americans have the same view of themselves that our media portrays us as having?

    If so, the answer is No.

    Ultimately, I'm really confused by your question, maybe its the '' part thats throw N me off.  

  3. Yanks are agrogant and pathetic

  4. No. The funniest part of it is that America is "free". Boy, that has to be the biggest April Fools Prank played on anyone.

  5. the view portrayed by the media isn't honest.  

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