
Do americans really believe our health care is free? (uk)?

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they say they have to pay $330 a month which is about £170 a month. we DO pay for our health care it comes out of our wages each month.




  1. As an Americian...and a blue collor worker just bearly makeing ends meet..I know NOTHING is free . If your RICH or POOR the middle man/woman pays for pays for ours as well.

  2. No the vast majority of us understand in countries where everyone has 'free' health care it actually is paid for by their YOU understand in our system, even WITH insurance for health care, many of us are denied treatments that are truly needed, or have to pay a lot of money, for even remotely decent care (again, WITH insurance?).

  3. Don't think they asume it's free - what most people think - coming from othe countries- is that they may get treatment free and in the past this has happened- they just hope they get away it it.  You wouldn't get treatment in other countries without showing the colour of your money first or your insurance details.

  4. Oh! I didn't know that..thanks for the heads up.

  5. Nope I don't believe that as an American, I do know people in the UK who don't pay for health care but I know there are those who do. Just as I know there are people in the US that don't pay for health care too!

  6. Yes we all pay N I and dont forget the prescription charge which is almost £7.00 per item the last time I got anything.

  7. yeah but if you were jobless your *** could still go get treatment for free...where as in America your ******

  8. Not all of us believe that, but unfortunately many of us do.

    I pay $240 a month for my health insurance.  That's not cheap, but it's a fraction of the amount I pay in income tax, property tax, and sales tax in return for all the "free services" the government so generously provides for me (and for people who don't work...)

    The concept of "free" was conceived by politicians many years ago, and I'm sorry to say that we've all fallen for it in one way or another.

  9. I thought they only had to pay if they actually had medical treatment or something, didn't realise they had to pay money each month.  

    Of course we pay for our health care it comes in the from of taxations and stuff!

  10. Nothing in this world is free. You essentially transfer funds from an efficient industry ie-privatized health care, where they must do things efficiently or shut down, and transfer it to an inefficient industry, ie-socialized heath care that will theoretically never go out of business. They run things wholly inefficiently while literally taxing the deaths out of its citizens.

  11. For some reason Americans have begun to think everything is free and everyone is entitled to everything. Free of course.Someone pays for everything. Most government universal health care  programs seem to be O.K. ---- as long as you don't get really sick.


  13. Understood, but Americans get their taxes taken out as well, and then wind up having to pay extra from that check to get healthcare, if they are lucky.

    But the important thing that its' available for practically anyone, as opposed to those who have private insurance, or poor enough to qualify for medicare. Of course it's not free, but it's definitely more accessible.

  14. I went to this web site, there is an Article from the Salt Lake Tribune. For this year. The person who wrote it is from England and he explains all about the difference between England's free health care and our health care in the United States. The authors name is Stas Mintowt-Czyz

    Article Last Updated: 05/17/2008 01:06:51 PM MDT. The web page is. I hope this helps. I also thought healthcare was free for the British.

  15. There is no such thing as a free lunch. I dont know how much you pay for your health insurance, but your VAT taxes are also stiff, along with high income taxes. So nothing is free.  

    Some people are just allways misdlead, whether they are in U.S or U.K

  16. i don't think it is free

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