
Do amtrak trains have wireless internet available for riders?

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Do amtrak trains have wireless internet available for riders?




  1. yes most trains should be equipped with wi-fi... internet might appear slow because you are on a train going at least 150mph either gaining or losing signal strength

  2. The stations have it , as noted already.  On the trains, there is no mention of wifi as one of the services.

    You may want to see about a trial for a 3G wifi modem from your cellphone provider.

  3. 5 station in the Northeastern US have wireless internet, but when you ask if there is wi-fi for riders, it sounds like you mean can you access it while on the train.

    That answer is usually no.

    First, you and your computer are inside the rail car, which has a metal shell. That is probably going to block 95% of the wi-fi available. And most wi-fi systems require a password, so you probably aren't going to be able to get online that way.

    And while some areas offer Wireless to the community (our county seat does, but I live in the woods) and anyone can connect, the train is moving. You'll only have a few minutes of connected time.

    So write that book you've been meaning to write, or play solitaire. Most likely you aren't going to be able to hook into the internet.

  4. Yes...visit their website for more informaiton

  5. It all depends on which train you're taking - some have and some don't.  Call your local train station and they'll be able to tell you or 1-800-gorail.

  6. One of our associates's brothers is a transportation expert takes trains on many business trips. He said he has

    used wi-fi several times on trains, but the coverage was spotty and it was slow.

    Data transfer on a cell phone is not as critical, if it is interrupted momentarily it is often not noticeable, but computer data must be a better, faster connection.

    He believes that for wi-fi to work properly each car would probably need to have an antenna, because each car is a metal shell and the train is moving. People would need to contact the train or transit authority to push for wi-fi coverage.

    One concern: on some trains is that it may not be wise to drag out your expensive laptop for all to see and then get off at a dark station. Hope this helps. For more information about customer satisfaction with wireless communication, transportation, travel and automotive related topics, please visit

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