
Do animal have rights? if yes then what kind of rights and do we really respect them;think about things we do?

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to eradicate pests,we consume meat,use animal for our benefit,clear acres of their habitat for our own purpose.are animal rights only in theory,moreover if we seriously respect animal rights then we will simply have to close so many industries which functoin solely because of animals?do we really have a right on milk,fur.wool?




  1. of course animals have rights!

    saying they are here for us to eat and enjoy and rip off their fur for is to wear is the same thing as saying that WOMEN are here for MEN or that BLACKS are here for WHITES.

    animals deserve the same respect as us humans, but because some of them are weaker than us, we have learned to kill them for our own pleasure.

    take hunting or fishing for example... What is the point? we're naturally not carnivores (No fangs and no ability to digest raw meat) so obviously we're not giving animals the right to live like they deserve. we keep them miserable in zoos and hunt them when they're in their natural habitat.

  2. Only animals that we keep as pets have certain rights, although nothing close to what we enjoy.  Any animal that tastes good or has pretty skin, fur, or any other useful body part is free to be tortured, mutilated, dismemebered, etc. at our will.  Also, if money is to be made, all animals are fair game.  This seems to be the popular belief of most people. People suck.

  3. everytime we build are clear a field we intomb ground animals.just one thing to think about.while you live on your animal graveyard property.(joking)

  4. yes animals have rights to be treated humanly,live in healthy conditions,and yes slaughtered humanly that is what they are raised for and as long as we make good use of all there amenities(meat,fur,bones)then they have served there purpose.Check the news a slaughter house in California has been fined for the miss use and inhumane treatment of cattle so there rights are being looked after,There are agencies that routinely inspect these businesses to ensure the humane treatment of our animals

  5. Since animals have the same basic interests as humans, they deserve the same basic rights, e.g. life and liberty, freedom from suffering etc...

    A humans right to eat what it wants should be forfeited for the *greater* right of *many* non-human animals to *live*.

    To use animals for your own purpose, as if they were plants that are not even aware of their existence, is exploitation, it is as wrong as the slave trade.

    "Happy-meat" and "free-range" are no exceptions, they are still slaughtered, their babies are still murdered, they are still abused in horrible conditions and made to work for human purposes. No exploitation is acceptable or neccesary.

    While 50 billion chickens are locked away in cages over the face of the earth because people like how they and their eggs taste, animal rights is still a theory, I'm afraid.

    Nevertheless the concept is a growing one, with more and more people switching to veganism all the time to oppose the ruthless and useless exploitation of nonhuman animals.

    The best way to give animals their rights is to not pay for them to be taken away. Eat vegan, buy pleather, not leather, acrylic, not wool and switch to non-animal tested cosmetics and toiletries.

  6. I think they do.  I believe that animals have rights.

    I think that animals deserve to live in a good environment and stuff like that. Even if the animals are going to get eaten (like cows.)

  7. I love God's creatures...right next to the mashed potatoes.

  8. They have the right to live in a healthy enviroment and being take care of responsably

  9. animal should not be abused  but as far as having rights no its survival of the fittest  heres what i mean deer were not put  here to look pretty  but as a food source for what ever could catch them  then people came and we can catch them all so we became the dominate species so i say yes we have the right to milk fur wool and meat

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