
Do animals and humans behave differently when it's a full moon?

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Do animals and humans behave differently when it's a full moon?




  1. some say they do some say its bull but the moon effects almost every thing due to its effects on earth.

  2. yep i think so!

    they seem to go a bit crazy i heard of a guy who thought he could open up his third eye on his 4head but ofcourse it didnt work and animals can but they usaly go weird when it is very windy or if abig storm is coming

  3. i behave differently on full moons idk why i cant explain it

  4. no crazy lady.

  5. I dont know for sure but I am beginning to wonder as I have a few friends that act strangely on a full moon.As for my animals they act the same all the time. Interesting question.

  6. My dad's a dentist, and he says on full moon days the crazies come in.

  7. Many believe so, but I haven't noticed anything of the sort personally.

  8. there have been studies that say yes they do act funny during full moons there is humans that break the law more and do things when the moon is bright and theyc an see and animals also are restless at this tpoing.

  9. i wouldn't think so...

  10. i think most animals do

  11. yes, proven fact that the crime rate soars when there is a full moon, check out national geo. they have a thing about it on there web page

  12. Yes they do. There are many different ideas of how the moon affects the brain during its cycle but it has been a well know fact that the full moon does. The word Lunatic come fro the word Luna meaning moon and has been in use for many years.

  13. i should think so. the moon affects the tides and therefore all the animals in the ocean. women's menstrual cycles are related to the cycles of the moon. wolves and dogs howl to the moon. we have superstitions and holidays that revolve around the moon, etc.

  14. studies, say with mice no!!, but most people think yes be Ca's of are water mass, yes so?.

  15. my dog acts the same as he usually does lol

  16. You better believe it....hahaha!

  17. I stare at the moon because its pretty

  18. its more of a supersticious thing, but there are proven moments where people and mamels act abnormal.

  19. well yeah we humans dont react much to a full moon but for example my cat! when its full moon starts running all over the house and jumps like crazy! lol its funny xD!

  20. The Bible tells us the exact reason why God created the moon, and it's to rule the night, give light at night etc.. And it's there for signs of the seasons just as the stars are.

    The moon controls the oceans tide.

    Other than those purposes, the moon has no effect on humans or animals.

    It's a wise tale

  21. this is not a superstition this is science on full moon day,moon has more gravitaional power,so every species will be restless,when we ride vehicles we will feel bit uncontrol of the vehicle or we have to strain more to drive it,

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