
Do animals go through puberty?

by Guest59412  |  earlier

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Do animals go through puberty?




  1. kind of.. they dont change there voice or get hair in wierd places. but they go thru a time of growning older, and calming down. and some get fat.

  2. Well, kinda. they do go through a time of change which most people call "reaching sexual maturity."

  3. My horse has he is 6 years old and has now got a soft velvet mustache and lots of hairs under his chin and neck (beard) everyone finds it hilarious because he is going through puberty and becoming a man lmao!!!

    haha look at the mustache on this horse hahah!

  4. Yes, as one poster said animals reach a stage called sexual maturity as humans do.

    Females especially change more during puberty - including hormonal changes etc. After puberty animals are physically capable of reproducing.

    With many species, there is also a marked change in behaviour at, or after, puberty. In many species, males will become more aggerssive towards other males etc. Solitary species, eg syrian hamsters, will start to fight etc.

    With dogs, puberty often causes them to start testing the boundaries and being more naughty - just like teenagers (lol!)

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