
Do animals know something we don't???

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Do animals know something we don't???




  1. i really think they do, they know about things beyond control

  2. Yes, they know what petfood tastes like.

  3. well i would`nt trust any one my dog didn't like

  4. I think that this question has several possible answers, can they reason at a high level then the answer is know, can they detect stuff that we are not equipped to detect then no,

    is my yorkie a philosopher ,no

    can he smell me arriving home even when I am in another road, yes

  5. some people think that they do which is understandable really, some scientists believe that dogs can see things quicker than us and that pigeons are in a different time zone so if this is possible i suppose anything is  

  6. Many of them have much sharper instincts, than we have.  But no, they don`t `know` something we don`t.

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