
Do animals know they are there?

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like does my rabbit know he's a rabbit? do they have any conciousness (any species that do?)




  1. Doubt if your rabbit speaks English but he knows he is there.  Rabbits are social animals, like humans, and social animals have an understanding of their selves and others.

    Your rabbit may not have as well developed an idea of his self as you do but he stills has fears and desires which are major components of the self.

    Don't forget that you are also an animal, a social animal.

  2. They are conscious, but no developed as human consciousness. All forms of animal life are bound by nature's laws to follow their instinct. They are programed to act and select their own species, food, etc,  by the arrangement of material nature.


  3. I suppose they find ways to differentiate themselves from other animals, since they mostly hang out with animals of they're own kind, but they might just see themselves as.... a being.

    Do I make any sense?

  4. I don't think they do. I took a philosophy class one time and the teacher insisted that a cat is wholly a cat whereas humans can be more than just human. If a cat doesn't have the evolved ego and consciousness like a human does, how can a cat know it's a cat. I'd say cats don't know they're a cat whereas humans know that they are human. You can tell just by looking at animals that they're really just semi-there, kinda goofy looking and they really can't understand anything.

    But I think animals secretly think they're human.

  5. He knows that he's there, and I'm assuming whatever innate behaviour he has, shows. whatever it is that rabbits do.

    The word 'rabbit' to him, just doesn't show up. haha.

  6. i think so, unless they are raised with different animals. then they might think that they are something else. like our guinea pig thinks shes a dog. and sometimes my chihuahua thinks she a german shepard and my german shepard thinks hes a chihuahua lol. but most of the time they kno what kind of animal they are.

  7. thats interesting but i dont know tthe answer

  8. lol

  9. They do but its limited. My dog knows where home is if she wanders off.. she knows how to tell me she has to go outside. she knows what I am saying when I ask her if she wants a treat or ask her if she wants to go for a walk.

    a goldfish on the other hand doesnt have a long term memory. I believe I was told a golffish's memory is about 1 second.

    which is why I never felt bad about having a small fish tank.

  10. do animals have souls? the answer of this question will answer yours.

    if you look at a cheep you will see that it has a mercy for its children. if you look have a dog you will know that it knows his owner that is mean the animals has degree of conciousness.  

  11. i dont think they care i mean why should they i often think my cat is pretty sure shes a dog but w/e i think they know they exist and thats all that matters to them my cat is definitely very interactive and intelligent i think its similar to children sometimes it just depends on how u raise them and interact with them to how intelligent they will be

  12. Have you ever seen a rabbit cross breed with a fox, I don't think so. So yes they know.

  13. The more scientists learn about animals, the more the lines between them and us are blurring. I have lived with cats and dogs my whole life and can swear that they acted just like someone with consciousness would. There is play, there is awareness of rules, there is guilt and pure fun, there is fear and joy and relaxed communion. Until Diane Fossey and Jane Goodal studied gorillas and chimanzes in the wild, the humanlike behaviors of these great apes were unknown. Until those two ladies studied these genetic cousins of ours, they were regarded as unconscious and unworthy of consideration.  

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