
Do ankle braces effectively reduce ankle injuries?

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I am interested in how effective they are especially in basketball




  1. I suggest you only wear ankle braces if you need them such as after an injury. Sometimes you just need to strengthen the ankle muscles and that can be achieved through certain workouts. When you use ankle braces you weaken the muscles and you are more likely to sprain your ankle when you don't wear them.

  2. dude personally i hate ankle braces they are so uncomfortable! but they do work... but its definitely a trade off for comfort... i believe tape is better... although it is tedious the comfort and support is well worth it! all you need is tape and pre wrap... and of course some one to tape you... tape saved my ankle bro!

  3. Sure but they limit the player's mobility.  Besides, nothing can really protect a player in case of a bad landing.

  4. ankles braces can reduce chance of injury but they cannot prevent it. they are basically worn as a precaution. for example my cousin torn a ligament in his ankle and he is getting surgery soon. but until he does, he is gonna wear ankle brace while playing ball to help reduce achance for a re injury but it is a not a given fact that they will prevent the injury.

  5. WELL YES THEY CAN REDUCE INJURY,,but they can also weakened the ankle it will only get stronger if you play on it without support,, if your injured ankle braces are good to heal it but dint stay on them forever because the ankle will never get stronger it will just be weak always depending on the brace,, it happen to me, its better to strengthen the ankle as much as possible

  6. I was once a chronic ankle twister. I started wearing ankle braces and even though they are not that comfortable they do work. The ankle braces tend to immobilize your lateral movement but that's what they were supposed to do. The restriction of the lateral (side to side )movement is what helps to reduce your chances of twisting your ankle again. Immediately after I finish playing basketball I take my ankle braces off.  

  7. Yes, they reduce the chance of getting ankle injuries. You should wear them.

  8. it dosent hurt gettin one, it can hurt not gettin one

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