
Do anthropologists have a NEW agenda and what is it?

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Times change.




  1. I don't know about a new agenda, but it's time they tore up everything that has ever been written on the subject and begin again from what we know to be solid fact. Hence, beginning with a firm foundation.

  2. I don't see the agenda as having changed much.  However political correctness has a lot to do with funding & things related to academic tenure at universities.  Those that oppose the "Out of Africa" hypothesis do have a harder time getting funding & are less likely to gain tenure at universities.  Those that get the most press are more likely to get funding to pursue their line of research, therefore some tend to feed the press the more sensational aspects of their research & to amplify the importance of their discoveries. Some anthropologists are reluctant to make public evidence that doesn't fit in with the thinking of the main stream, as it could seriously impact their future.

  3. To make our field more lucrative.

  4. evolution, its wrotten but they like it

  5. To realize that this world is a constant state of change and that you can not look at the world from one view but rather through multiple views.

  6. Yes, the New Agenda, is that students of Anthropology must know more about the Scientific Method than about religious fundamentalism!

  7. It is one of the most political fields in science.  The data is not always openly shared.  They don't always examine the evidence in total but often have turf wars over whose fossil is more important because it means serious money and prestige.  You can't find an ancient primate in Spain without paying homage to the Out of Africa crowd which have the most vocal agenda.  There are other regional and conceptual agendas as well.

  8. Well, it is funny to see these guys telling everyone that there are no races knowing that the average person is thinking...ok ...guess those guys need glasses or they are flipped out on some ancient tonic or something. lol.

  9. I hope it is evolutionary. I also hope that anthropologists stop settling empirical questions politically; by voting on them.

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