
Do anthropologists study how much one's own culture contiributes to the community's down fall?

by Guest60521  |  earlier

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We know that throughout history there have been numerous societies that have risen, had a very flourishing culture for years and then the societies fell. I'll use the Roman Empire as an example to illustrate what I mean.

Most historians will agree that Rome collapsed from the inside out. Am I right? So my question is, how much did their OWN culture contribute to their downfall. Do anthropologists study how ones own culture can destroy the community, because I know they look at how culture can builds one.

Is there a field in anthropology that deals with this topic or a person who tried to answer this question that I can look into because I'm very interested. Thanks




  1. The Greeks used to say that, "the city, MAKES the person", but likewise, when there's corruption on the inside, just like a rotting apple, it looks very good from the outside, for a long time, before the decay is recognized in its outer appearance!

  2. All cultures will eventually fail to meet the challenge of changing conditions. We should be so lucky as to last as long as the Roman Empire (nearly 1000 yrs).  Models of Democracy always fail within 150 to 200 yrs because of demands from the population on the treasury... why this one (the US) has lasted as long as it has is an unsolved mystery. When citizens demand more from a government than they themselves are willing to give, the decline begins.

    The Romans eventually failed because citizens no longer wished to risk their lives as soldiers of the Empire & entrusted their defense to non Romans paid to serve in their military as common soldiers.

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