
Do anti deppresion pills have bad side effects?

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what kind of side effects do they have,for a 16 year old?

i really think i need to start taking them because i don't know what else to do with myself.




  1. Just read the pharmacy papers, most of them have messed up side effects.

    But the Main side effect I got from the 5 anti depressants I've took is they make you feel stupid. Like lightheaded mixed with headache that makes it hard to learn things, especially in school.

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    And I'm sure one of them probably lists death as a side effect.

    But do what you have to do, things generally get better without pills. But if there is a pill that helps things, antidepressant meds were the least helpful for me.

  2. This is something you need to talk over with a doctor and a therapist.I started counseling when I was around 8, at around 14 they put me on medication. Sometimes just talking out your problems with someone can help, and they can tell you some ways to calm yourself and feel better. But if things get worse or don't improve for a long time they may decide to have you talk to someone who can prescribe something. Unfortunately anti-depressants aren't miracle drugs. Everyone's body is different and it's chemical levels in your body that can cause some depression. So that needs to be taken into consideration when a medicine is being prescribed. And not all medicines are created equally. If you're lucky the first medicine and dosage will work, but that rarely happens. You may go through 5 or 6 different meds with different dosages before you find something that will work.

    And they do have side effects. I was on quite a few different meds. Some make you nauseous, dizzy, light-headed, some cause headaches. They can do all kinds of things. The main worry is that anti-depressants aren't really made for people under 18 or so. Some pills can make the depression worse. And a lot have been found to increase suicide risks in teens. That being said, talk to your parents. Let them know you're having a hard time and need some help. Then you can go to your doctor and talk with them, they will help you find a therapist or counselor who can help you. And remember, if you don't feel comfortable talking to a therapist you can always find a different one. They're there to help you, you should feel comfortable and be able to talk with them. And don't worry, they will talk to your parents but they can't tell them everything you told. There is a lot of patient confidentiality and that always made me feel better. I hope you can find some help. Everything will get better, I promise. I've been through what you're going through, there are tons of people to help you out. If you ever need to talk of have any other questions you can e-mail me at   Hope I could help!

  3. Yes, they do. And it will vary from person to person. And I really, really doubt that you need them !

    First you need to talk to a doctor.

    Don't know what to do ? Worry about school work.

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