
Do antibiotics give you a yeast infection?

by  |  earlier

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im taking a antibitic and i feel a bit itchy down there, is this a common side effect? will it go away on its own? thanks!




  1. yes some of the more high dosed antibiotics can. Like the Z-pack and such. It kills everything all at once so there's a higher chance of getting an infection.

    Just drink a TON OF WATER and, cranberry juice will help, the water and cranberry will flush it out. You can also eat some yogurt like yoplait...there are natural cultures in yogurt that kills yeast causing bacteria.

    good luck :)

  2. I heard that they will cause a yeast infection.  Eat some yogurt and get some monistat and you should be fine.

  3. Yeast infections are a very common side effect of antibiotics.  Yogurt does help.  However, if you don't like yogurt, you can buy Acidophilus at most pharmacies or health food stores (that's the active culture in yogurt that helps).

  4. yes it can, the antibiotics kills all of the "good" and leaves the bad to thrive....the yeast just grows and way to help prevent getting a yeast infection is by eating 1 or 2 yogarts a day...

  5. Antibiotics kill the bad and the good bacteria in the body. Getting a yeast infection after antibiotics use is common. Start eating a couple yogurts a day, this will add some of the good bacteria back into your body.

  6. If you're still on the antibiotic, no.  Just make sure you finish all the pills even if you feel healthy.

    You won't just get itchy if you have a yeast infection, you'll get a discharge.  Is it your skin that's itchy?  You can use Tucks wipes to keep it clean and it should go away if it's not an infection.

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