
Do ants outnumber humans and by how many?

by Guest33713  |  earlier

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Do ants outnumber humans and by how many?




  1. Okay, I hope you're like level 6 and can ask as many questions as you want without losing points, LOL!

    Actually, I think it's more like a kazillion and a half.

  2. I have heard that 90% of the animal life on Earth BY WEIGHT consists of ants. So, I guess they outnumber us by quite a large number.

  3. Yes, by a lot. Isn't it like a couple billion more? Something like that. Just that they don't own us, because we outsmarts them or something to that degree.

  4. Yes.

    A Kazillion.

  5. a bazillion

  6. There's easily one brazillion ants - and that doesn't even count the uncles.

    We're puny by number (and comparison).

  7. They got us beat but the germs beat us all.

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