
Do any Americans know whats happening in Palestine?

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u also see men bravely fighting a well armed force of israeli soldiers w/ slingshots, u also see palestinians beaten in the streets by israeli soldiers.

palestinians arnt 100% innocent but u shoudnt believe the propaganda that israelis are the victims




  1. There are some of us who do indeed try to stay informed of what truly is going on in Palestine.

  2. I worked with a 'Palestinian' for 10 years. His family lived in Jerusalem and one of his brothers had been killed in the 7 days war. He hated the Israelis or the "Geyouz" as he pronounced it. He did not have a reason other than his loss of family and that 'they' had always hated the "Geyouz". He also gave the pat answer of the homeland of Palestine and the theft by the "Geyouz".

    I see the young Palestinians throwing rocks at Israeli soldiers, I see the retarded being loaded up with vest bombs and sent into Israeli crowds, I see rockets fired into Jewish settlements and I see Israeli solders sent after the people who organize these attacks. What I don't see is 'Palestinian' soldiers fighting. I see only the cloaked and masked figures that work only in the dark and send others to fight for them. If the 'Palestinians' are fighting for their 'country' why are they not willing to do so themselves instead of "Sending the children into the mine fields"?

    There are no 'Hero's' in 'Palestine'.

  3. What's happening where? There's a bunch of land occupied by Jordan, a smaller amount by Israel, but there is no such nation as "Palestine" currently.... That's what all the fighting keeps interfering with, the formation of an official, internationally recognized Palestinean state.

  4. Fighting, caused by a bunch of maniacs.

  5. Hmm, I'm not sure, I don't know of any place called Palestine. Can you point it out on a map please? Is it next to Candyland?

  6. Yes, both sides claim that God told them, "This Land Is Yours", and they've fighting ever since.

  7. Yes. Some endless trouble cause by militant religious zealots who just won't accept the fact that the land doesn't belong to them.

    You know, before you scum did 9/11, I actually had sympathy for you. Now, I believe that all muslims should be wiped off the face of the earth. The sooner, the better.

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