
Do any UK Supermarkets sell vegan cheese?

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  1. I am a former chef from Canada and travel to the UK quite often and they do have soya cheese's there, the Brits are very anal when it comes to the word "cheese" and "cheddar as they were a staple there until the EU regs came in and tried to change things, that is why they will not give up the UK pound, a sovereignty issue

  2. Yes...the super market is in Saseme Street....

  3. I answered your other question on this - was it deleted? Why?

    Tesco sell Redwood's Cheezley, though I've only ever seen the Cheddar there.

    Waitrose and Morrisons sell some Redwood products, so perhaps some larger branches sell Cheezley.

    I've never seen any vegan cheese in Sainsburys, though I shop there regularly.

    Holland & Barrett, who have a branch on most high streets, sell vegan cheese

  4. There is no such thing as vegan cheese.  By definition cheese is dairy therefore not vegan.

  5. According to this website

    some branches of Sainsbury's do.  I would imagine high street health food shops would too.  If youstill have trouble the website above lists possible sources of vegan cheese

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