
Do any dinosaur trophies exist or have any ever been found at lost civilization digs?

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You know, like bear skins and bear claws, eagle feather headdresses, shark teeth necklaces, engraved elephant tusks, etc. In my opinion, you would have to think a hunter or hunting expedition for dinosaur (if they existed at the same time as asserted by those who believe in the Bible) would have been very proud of such an immense kill. Just wondered if any artifacts exist that support man and dinosaur co-existing.




  1. the Bible says nothing about Dinosaurs.

    People like us were around 200,000 years ago.

    I'm not positive, but one day someone may discover that a really big old bird species may have lived 100-200 thousand years ago that gave rise to stories about dragons, but that's it.

    My friends wife is a history teacher..she thinks that man lived with dinosaurs too.  pretty strange to think that.

  2. Humans have been around for 3 million years. Dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago. It's not possible for man and dinosaurs to have co-existed.

    Much of the idea that humans and dinosaurs lived together is based on some bad films and comic strips.

    People have collected fossils (read "rocks") for centuries. No doubt dinosaur fossils ended up on a few mantelpieces but not as hunting trophies.

    There is a known case where ancient Greeks found the skeleton of a god. They carefully reburied the bones in a nice grave. When excavated in modern times, the bones were found to be that of a mammoth.

    Were there evidence of a man/dinosaur meeting it would need to be much more then misinterpreted tracks in stone or outright fabrication of scientific studies. The "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence" rule applies. Delivery of a T-Rex hide to the Smithsonian, with chain of custody, and lab tests would be a start.

    You may have seen the new reports of the "Bigfoot in a freezer" Oddly the same claim (OK he was in a block of ice) was made in the 1960s. The DNA tests that were to prove the claim have come back as human and possum. Where's the body? "Undisclosed location" is the answer. That's not how science works.  

  3. Yes, I have a Tyrannosaurus Rex head mounted above my fireplace mantle. I bagged it while I was on a hunting trip at Jurassic Park...

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