
Do any girls skateboard i am a girl and i am not so good what should i do to get better and not pracktice

by  |  earlier

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any good trickes that are easy to learn not dangerus plz plz plz plz plz plz plz ppppppppppppppppppppllllllllllllllllllll... i need the way do guys luke sk8er girls




  1. i have been skateboarding since i was 6 and now im 14. the only way i got any better is practice. i skate every day of the week and go surfing a bit too. but i have gotten a lot better by just practicing. if you want to get better, just skate. hang out with friends that skate and observe them and ask them how to do it. i really hope this advice helps and enjoy skateboarding! and what guy who skates wouldnt like a girl that skates

    most of these tricks are hard to learn but not dangerous when doing them flatland like rondey mullen

  2. Uhm,, your Question doesnt match up with your thing to help us understand the question :P  But they only way to get better is to practise, and practise regularly.  get the basics dowm, then come back and ask

  3. practise makes perfect (trust me it really does)

  4. There is absolutely NO WAY you can get better at ANY sport without practicing.  So, don't be afraid to fall or get hurt as long as you know you have all the right safety stuff on.  (ie, wrist guards, since you may fall a lot)  Just get out there and do your best.  The best way to learn is to skate with someone who's a little better.  Ask them to show you how to do the new things you want to do in real time and just keep practicing until you can stick them.

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