
Do any hip pads/protection exist specifically for volleyball?

by  |  earlier

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I regularly play volleyball, and dive at least 2-3 times a game, full stretch. By the end of the night my hips are bruised and sore, and it takes a day or 2 for them to go back to normal. I tried knee pads, as i thought i was subconsciously landing on my side to protect my knees. It didnt help.

Ive checked ebay etc, but doesnt look like their is anything on the market for volleyball. (I play indoor, wooden floor) So if anyone has found any protection from other sports that i could use i would appreciate it!




  1. i also play volleyball and i do the exact same thing so i went and got the shorts with pads in them that football players wear.they have pads on both sides and on your butt. they work great and other people on my team went and got them too.

  2. yes they do have hip pads.  the kinda look like underwear.  you can probably  find it in any volleyball catalogues.

  3. Ok you first need probably to get

    +knee pads first (make sure they are really padded and tight)

    +Elbow pads Second (Lots of people don't wear them but if you slide alot it would be a good idea)

    Now that is all they have but now you need to go to a gym and learn the propper way because you are not doing it right...

    This is how I learned

    Run full speed....

    Then slide foward make sure you land on your knees not side.

    have hands out front ready for ball.

    It may not work at first well but keep trying!

  4. tough it out!! volleyball rocks!! bruises and scraps and all that stuff is part of it!! but everyone has knee pads so get nike dry fit.

  5. i have the same problem.

    below is the site that i bought mine from.

    They are spandex with pads in them so when you dive it doesn't hurt.

    My entire volleyball team has them and you can't even tell they are padded. they come in tons of lengths and if your team doesn't wear spandex then wear them under the shorts you normally wear.


  6. Stop by a sports good store and find shorts with baseball sliding pads, which is the thinnest I could find that doesn't quite make you look like a football player.

    If you keep doing side dive and you feel the pain and get bruised, you will definitely need sliding pads to protect your hips.

    At the mean time, keep your knee pads on.

  7. You say that you tried kneepads?

    I think you should use them on a regular basis.

    You must dig funny to land on your hips.


    the problem could be

    that you shorts are cotton,

    and are not letting you slide.

    Do you have spandex

    or bball shorts?

    If you have bball shorts,

    I suggest switching to spandex.

    That may be the problem.

    I wish you lots of luck!

    And P.S.

    Volleyball is a tough sport,

    not for babies,

    you can handle it I'm sure !


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