
Do any lizards carry diseases?

by  |  earlier

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Do any lizards carry diseases if so how can you tell?





  1. i think most lizards and snake carry you have to wash carefully your hands before and after handling your pets reptiles.

  2. Leopard geckos, can but I mean that is only if you go around kissing them. Whatever the case wash your hands before and after handling lizards. So as you don't make them sick and they won't make you sick :D

  3. Ive been keeping and breeding herps for 16 years now and I've never gotten any sickness that could be traced to my animal's . now that i think about it all my friends who have as much if not more experience with even larger collections then mine haven't gotten sick with anything they could trace back to there herps. kinda weird huh?  all animals carry diseases but the ability of these diseases to jump species barriers is greatly exaggerated. i guess i answered your question and then some. lol sorry for the rant. :)

  4. About 1 in 3 Green Iguanas carry salmonella and the only way you can really know is by taking a stool sample to a vet.

    Answers about other lizards I leave in the capable hands of folks more learned than myself.

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