
Do any major universities research Parapsychology?

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If they do, can you tell me where please?




  1. Not really.  Duke had a program for a while; I don't know if they still have one.  There's a guy at the University of Arizona doing stuff, but doesn't really get any results.  You can't actually get a degree in it - and you wouldn't want one, since it's not really considered a real science.  They've never actually been able to show that anyone has any actual powers of any sort.

  2. Yes.

    The Unversity of Virginia through the Division of Perceptual Studies (link below).

    The Unversity of Arizona via the VERITAS program (link below)

    Princeton University through PEAR (link below) although this program is scheduled to close or has closed.

    Duke Unversity many years ago had a parapsychology lab but this closed and J. B. Rhine who started and ran the program formed what is now the Rhine Research Center (link below) when it closed.

    The Koestler Parapsychology Unit (link below) is through the University of Edinburgh.

  3. Some do.  Most don't.  Those that do might have a class or two.  Other than that, since there is so little empirical data to study, there isn't much out there.  That doesn't mean you can't study the subject yourself in a behavior psychology class though.

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