
Do any married people actually use condoms (with their spouse)?

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Happy2 - is the man.




  1. Yes, for birth control.

  2. Yes married men use condoms if they want to make sure they "accidentally" don't have a baby with their wife that has not been fixed/or if he is not fixed.  It is the only option for a man if he does not have a vasectomy.  Never trust your wife only to take care of the birth control  Most don't know all the ins and out of it.  In the study on the pill the only person that got pregnant was the one who did not take it 24 hours apart or was on antibiotics.

  3. Of course - why wouldn't they unless they're trying to get pregnant.

  4. There are a lot of reasons for using condoms.

    Short of surgical procedures, no birth control is completely effective, so if a couple *really* doesn't want to get pregnant, sometimes they double up and use a condom in addition to hormone pills, IUD, etc.

    A condom will reduce the sensitivity for the guy, so if he doesn't last as long as his spouse would like, a condom can actually improve the s*x by making him last longer.

    When changing birth control methods there is often a window where pregnancy is possible, and couples will fill in that time by using condoms.

    And a condom is just a good idea if you have even the most remote suspicion that your spouse is cheating.

  5. My wife and I did.   She had to come off the pill. We used them during that period of time when she was off the pill and I was waiting for the schedule for the Vasectomy.

  6. hahahahahahahahahahahaha

  7. I do with your wife and my mistresses, I don't want to be a baby daddy.

  8. No.

  9. yes

  10. No, not even all unmarried people use them. Hehe

  11. If they don't want to populate the earth anymore THEY DO! Or risk infection via an STD (can't trust people these days.) lol lol  

  12. No.  That would be silly.

    Kinda hard for us to get pregnant if we're using condoms, haha.

  13. lame

  14. some people like easier clean up!

  15. Since you [a] have no spouse and [b] have no occasion to ever use a condom, you really wouldn't know, now would you?

    What's that line from 'Full Metal Jacket'?

    "You should cut your balls off, so you cannot infect the rest of the world."

    Then you wouldn't need condoms, period. Mission Accomplished!

  16. I HATE CONDOMS!!!! but no me and my husband has been together 5 years haven't used them once I have been on birth control for a while. but if there is no birth control and you don't have any intentions of having a baby then yes you need to use them because pulling out don't work. but condoms are not the only thing you can buy to prevent pregnancy either so keep that in mind

  17. You've answered your own question. Married people use condoms everyday. They just hope their spouses don't find out.

  18. I do not use condoms because I am allergic to latex. However I don't want children so I'm on the pill and have been for 6 years.

    We use polyurethane condoms if I'm on medicine that will affect my BC or if I have missed a pill.

    But if you are with your spouse then you should have only one sexual partner and have been tested to show no STIs and such. Therefore condoms would only be needed to prevent pregnancy.  -That's the way it's supposed to be anyway.

  19. I did for years. It was annoying but really came in handy in discovering when he was having an affair - a few went missing.

  20. hey it depends what you agree on but most pple dont cuz some use pills etc. maybe there is a reason why condoms are being used here.  

  21. Man Yogurt is a moron!

  22. Yes. I am not taking the pill anymore because I took it for 6 years and it is not advised to take it any longer, I don't want kids just yet, and this is easy to use. No shame in it, I don't understand why all these people are outraged.

  23. Sure...we blow them up and bat em around the bedroom. It's a blast.

  24. I have!  I couldn't use the pill because it made me sick after the birth of my first child (odd because I'd been on it forever before without a problem!)

    I did when I was nursing and didn't want to risk pregnancy!

  25. We used them in between pregnancies because I did not want to go back on the pill.  After the 3rd, we went a more permanent route!

    We weren't very good at always using them though...  

  26. Only when we let the gardener join in.

  27. No.

    I had a tubal ligation the day after my second son was born.

    He was a "product" of "the pill".....

    ADD ON- I had to add this on as I didn't mean to imply my son was an "accident"......he was without a doubt one of the BEST things that EVER happened to me!  An Angel from Heaven!  he is 11 now, and he is just the funniest, sweetest, most trouble making dude you can ever come across....just a great kid!

  28. My husband and I did for a couple years...but it was b/c I was having problems with the pill....NOT b/c there was some kind of trust issue. I'm sure that there are plenty of married couples that use them for birth control. Nothing weird about it in my opinion.

  29. The only time we use one is if we're role playing that we're having s*x with someone else -- it adds to the verisimilitude.

  30. We used condoms and the d**n pill at the same time and I still got frickin pregnant.

    So then I got an IUD, but I was paranoid so I made him wear a condom, and I got prego again.

    So NOW, I have my tubes tied, so finally NO CONDOMS!!!!  

    The only bad thing is the mess, which is why we only do it on his side of the bed now!  lol

    Hey is the "with their spouse" part for Frank?  lol

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