
Do any of the parents on here work full time during the day...?

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... and then home school the kids at night?

We're considering it carefully. My oldest is due to start kindergarten this fall, so the curriculum wouldn't be too much of a challenge to get through on this schedule. Actually kindergarten isn't even required under our state's law.

But I'm curious... does anyone else do this? And do you send your children to day care during the day (when they would otherwise be in school)?




  1. How could you possibly work all day and do what a school would do during the day? I just do not understand how someone would think this. It is not even logical.

  2. My son was older when we started homeschooling and was old enough to stay home by himself.    Even so, if I did not have time to be with him for the majority of the time, I would not homeschool.

    Would you have the energy for this?   It sounds very demanding for you and your child.  

    You said 'daycare', but did you mean staying in someone's home where they would get individual attention or an actual room of 20 kids who are younger than school age?  

    If they are in a private home, being taken care of by someone who can devote time to them,  it could possibly work.   Kids learn much just by observing daily life, being part of conversations, and being part of daily life.

    Edit in reference to another response:  Luckily, you wouldn't have to do all that a school does during the day.   The actual academics for K can be done in an hour.  It just takes the teachers longer because they are working with 20 kids who are going in 20 different directions.  One child with individual attention is much easier to teach.

  3. At that age your daughter will not need too strenuous a schedule for home education.

    I work and homeschool; it is exhausting and I would not recommend it to anybody.  My kids are older now and don't work when I am not at home supervising.  I only work a few days a week (12 hour days) and try to make up time on my days  off.  It is really, really hard.

    After work time is when everyone is tired from their day, supper needs to be done and laundry started.

    I suppose what you propose could happen but it seems pretty intensive to me.

    I don't want to be discouraging, but  if you are young and dedicated anything is possible, especially if you have a spouse who will help.  Just get into a routine and it could happen.

  4. It wouldn't matter if I worked or not, I use a free online charter school where my son has teachers that can help him if needed. They also supply him with everything he needs.

    Many online charter schools are popping up all over. Many of them are now using k12 products. k12 schoolsare good for many reasons. Each student is given a placement test and then given individualized curriculum based on his or her individual needs. With the help of online charter schools today, homeschooling can be much easier than it used to be. They provide you with everything you need, a computer, a printer, books, supplies, and teachers that you can both email and call for help and assistance. This is free and there are no charges. Online schools are definitely becoming a way of the future for the children in generations to come.

    Going to an online school is no different than going to a traditional public school or a private school. They graduate with a real diploma the same as any school. My son graduated from an online charter school and now attends a private university (University Of Dayton) with scholarships. They will also help you with making sure that all state required tests are done yearly and proficiencies are completed for graduation.

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