
Do any of these herbal feminizing products I see all over the web actually work for males?

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Do any of these herbal feminizing products I see all over the web actually work for males?




  1. Some of these products may have a mild estrogen like effect when taken internally but usually the herbs are meant to act by stimulating the female hormone secretion from the ovaries. Since men do not have ovaries, many of these herbal products do not work on them.

    As for topical applications with creams, etc., these herbs are NOT estrogen and those that are similar to estrogen first need to be broken down by the liver. So if it is not taken internally, chances are that it won't have much of an effect at all.

    Herbal medicine, clinical (not classical) homeopathy, etc. do have a scientific basis when prescribed and dispensed by a qualified practitioner but if there has been no research done on a product, the chances are that they are just making outrageous claims.

  2. A better question would be: if they work at all? Whatever the answer is, it will apply just as much to males as females.

  3. If you're referring to the herbs like chasteberry, Dong Quai, Evening Primrose Oil, etc... then yes and no.

    Yes, men will get some benefits from them (skin health, for example), but not the same benefits as women have (since they don't have ovaries to increase Estrogen or a monthly period to help).

    No, men will not grow b*****s or start ovulating if they take any of these products.

    Men do have some Estrogen in their bodies already (just not as much as women), just as women have some Testosterone (just not as much as men). If you took a Progesterone product, you might get an increase in Estrogen, but your body will help to regulate the balance between Estrogen and Testosterone regardless... it won't produce more than it needs.

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