
Do any of these products work?

by  |  earlier

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I have had pretty bad acne for years, and it's finally starting to clear up. Now, I've got acne scars that I need to get rid of. I will go to a dermatologist as a last resort, because it is more expensive and my mom won't want to pay for that. There are a few products that I've seen that claim to work, but that doesn't mean they do. Does anyone have any experience with any of these products, or have other products to suggest? Even home remedies would be good!





  1. The only thing that will work is seeing a dermatologist who can best determine what your specific skin and condition need.  I know it's not what you want to hear, but buying something off of a cosmetician could possibly result in you having worse skin than what you started out with.

  2. well. from what i know dermatologists would do, they'd give you a peel of some sort or laser treatment. there's this tv show on TLC called "10 years younger" that features acne scars in alot of the episodes. if you can catch the show you might catch the name of one of the peels they do and try to get it over the counter?

    my other suggestion, but it is just a cover-up, is to use a sunless tanner to make your face look all blended.

  3. idk i was thinking of buying the second one cuz i have the same problem


    Morning Burst works great!

    BUT, the miracle product for acne is Astringent. I've had so many people buy astringent becuase they use it once a day and acne is gone in a week.

    You can buy a big bottle for like $2 at target and apply it once or twice a day, concentrating on oily-er spots, and watch acne slowly disappear!

    Good Luck!

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