
Do any of u believe in ghosts?

by  |  earlier

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have any of u seen a ghost heard of some1 who has or just believes in em? if so share ur storys i gotta make a ghost story 4 english so im going by facts




  1. of course look at the proof  my own house is haunted /and mirror in my house when you look at them you see faces (not your own) and sometimes you can just hear weird voices. it freaky but after 4 year u get used to it

  2. It's all just silly ghosts don't exist. Just demons and angels etc. But if you want some good fluff, google it.

  3. yes i belive in ghosts one time while over at my friends house for a sleepover  we both woke up in the middle of the night at the same time and both saw a dark figure stanading in the opposite corner of her room! it was creepy! We ran downstais and watched TV for the rest of the night

  4. I believe there are spirits and entities not necessarily ghosts, and I have had my name whispered in my ear sounded like a woman and it was kinda creepy

  5. Yes..... I actually believe i have a haunted house... I take pictures and there are orbs.

  6. i dont know if this is really a true story because it happend to my friends, cousins, best friend's, sencond uncles, 3rd wifes, sister saw a ghost in a super market and she could only see it.

  7. haha yeah i usesd to and still believe in bloody mary.

    at night u go to a mirror and say bloody mary 3 times and her refelction will appear in the mirror.

    i think she was a real person before, but now they have a statue of her and she like sweating blood or someting like that

  8. I have seen ghosts and felt spirits around me.We are all spirits living inside bodies.The body needs a spirit to stay alive ,the spirit does not need a body.

  9. ofcourse i believe in ghosts.evil it!! One of my aunts was posessed..about 9 years ago..she had this incredible strength..she would speak a weird language..her long hair was all spiked up like she was electrocuted..she wouldn't allow anyone in the house..her husband walked in and she literally picked him up in the air and threw him out..3 days later after she was posessed..they had to perform an exorcism on her which went well..9 years have gone by and she is living the most normal life..Weird part was..she didn't remember any of it..the last thing she remembered was seeing a beautiful lady in a sparkling red dress standing under a soon as the lady looked back at her, she felt warm air pass by her...and she didnt know what happened in the next 3 days!! It was pretty creepy..

  10. im stuck inside an antique mirror.

  11. Sorry, this is the funniest answer I have seen today: "It's all just silly ghosts don't exist. Just demons and angels etc."

    Yeah, how silly to believe in ghosts. But watch out for those demons and angels, they're definitely real! Hahaha.....oh you people. I love you all.

  12. When I was little (like between the ages of 0 and 3) my parents claimed the house we lived in was haunted by the guy that lived there before us, who died from cancer. I called him "the man" and supposedly he would do things like push the chairs across the kitchen floor in the middle of the night, take things like car keys and shoes, and open kitchen cabinets. We had a poodle at the time who would bark at apparently nothing at the top of the stairs. My mom wrote a note to the ghost to leave us alone and stuck it to the fridge. The person apparently didn't bug us anymore. We ended up moving anyways, and my mom went back to the new owner several years ago. They claim all this stuff still happens. Thank goodness I was too little to remember any of it.

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