
Do any of you ever do paranormal investigations on churches?

by Guest44599  |  earlier

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Whenever I went to Mass...I always thought I sensed spirits there..good spirits...but maybe bad spirits too. I guess if people were ornery when they lived..they might still be ornery in spirit too. I had many things happen while at church. Some churches leave their doors unlocked. Have you ever gone there when it was empty? Or have you ever snuck para things into a service?..esp. healing services?




  1. YES, I was going to mention that video that was taken in the Vatican...awesome...

    I love small chapels, not that i go to church, but i love the feeling of being inside of one, specially being in there alone...

    Id love to build a small stone chapel, on my property, and inclose it, with a mystical garden... A sacred acre.., somewhere to sit quietly and meditate ( when i start lol)...but no ive never gone to one to investigate...I just love the feel of them, not churches, just small chapels...They feel sacred...

    Also, ive been looking into supernatural occuring in churches around Italy, Ive come across some interesting stories...Ones i will be following when i go for the Vatican ghost, i believe that to be true, you only have to look at the video....

    Its on youtube, called ..The Vatican ghost...awesome

    I have to agree with Jack, about the nature of investigations, its different to what most people report here, about hauntings...They are not really hauntings, but more along supernatural occurrences, of a different kind...

  2. I have a friend who's done a lot of investigations on European churches and churchyard cemetaries.  [Investigations of a different sort than those performed by the investigators posting here].

    He found a lot to be investigated and resolved.

    Hmmm concerning the other post.  When an answerer gives an answer to a question you didn't ask just to vent it might be cause for wonder about what other biases are involved in the investigations performed.

    I think personally the entire 'faith healer' issue, no matter what the faith, is one worthy of a lot more investigation and evidence than it's gotten thus far as a means of forming opinions containing a modicum of validity.

    The entire medical profession isn't accused of frauding and hoaxing when someone dies under the care of a physician.  I have never heard of a faith healer killing anyone.

  3. There was a real old one room church abanndoned and moved out into the country and set up on blocks.It set up high on a hill, way out in the sticks. Nothing for miles. I lived about 4 mies from it and I would go there all the time. I cleaned out the inside of it and made it mine. At night wierd things would happen. The sound of coyotes would start up right outside the building it seemed. like 50 meters. Then they'd quiet down, and there would be hoofbeats of a two legged variety. The sound would start up one wall, travel to the cieling, and then seperate becoming two different beings. And it would echo because the way the structure was built. They'd travel around the whole outside and across the floor where they would stop. Sometimes the candles would go out, and there was no wind. and an old bare bulb type light fixture hung from a cord from high above. It would swing wildly in circles. That was a busy building.

    And I loved it very much.

  4. Clowndogfish - Everyone's entitled to their own opinions.

    Wushboy- They did practice divination up untill about AD500 when the council of Nicea demonised it. They didn't want the people communicating directly with deieties- that was the churches job and you were expected to pay for it.

    Regarding the question; I've been in a couple now that have become restraurants and charity shops. In the latter- my partner and I experienced a spirit of an old short plump man with a black cape and silver chain - who wanted us out. If he does that to everyone- they won't do much business. I think he was visiting his old workplace.

    Consecrated ground does feel different - sometimes you can feel pressure at the doorway.

    If you are investigating churches- look for the green man! - often carved in the rafters or the north door.

    Photo in the link of a famous ghostie-

  5. I once was invited to an abandoned church way out in the middle of nowhere.  We did come up with some evp's.  

    As for sneaking devices into a mass, that would be disrespectful.  I have no inclination to try to do that work during any event of a church.  Now, if there is nothing going on & the church is empty that is another story.

  6. There have been MANY people who have debunked the "Faith Healers" by feigning an illness, and the pastor seems to miraculously heal them...but when the person says they are not healed, they get rushed off the stage quickly.

    As for research in a church...they can be very active areas for paranormal research.  You should look for the video of the ghost  in the Vatican. It made the nightly news...

  7. I find churches to be empty of evil, and full of a restful, healing aura. I call it 'surrounded by angels'. The only paranormal indicator would be goosebumps during prayer. There is more spirit to life than physical science, so GO TO CHURCH!

  8. I assume you mean a catholic church.

    It is clearly stated in the Bible that God forbids the following; devination, astrology, attempts to communicate with the dead, and attempts to communicate with demons. These activities are an abomination to the Lord.

    It also specifically states in Job that the dead do not return to walk to earth after they die.

    Therefore, It would be very disrespectful for those who believe in God and the Bible to conduct this activity.

    Sorry if this sounds like a scolding, but I am just considering how I would feel if I found out someone was conducting such an investigation in my church. Its like saying, your beliefs and sacred place of worship dont matter to me.

  9. complain when I post questions in the paranormal section, but it's ok for YOU? I was somewhat upset when you declared your dislike for me before, but now that I see you're just a hypocrite I don't really care. You can hate me all you want. I posted a comment in one of your past questions that explains more, such as why I posted questions in "paranormal" in the first place. I come here for laughs when I'm not persuing my musical ambition.

  10. it be cool to do so!!! :)

    Ryan ~Paranormal Investigator/Researcher~ ~

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