
Do any of you guys play oppisite handed (righty play as lefty)?

by  |  earlier

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i do and am very good with my stick but if i play as a righty nearly retarded im 35 and have been playing as a lefty for 30 years but yesterday just tried righty for a shot or two just wondering if anyone else is like this

bat = left

golf =either but do have lefty clubs but can play with a righty clubs




  1. Yup.  I'm a righty.  In my first year of hockey I was a righty and then in my second year I found I kept switching my stick over to play it left.  So I switched to left from then on.  I also bat left handed for baseball but still golf as a righty.

  2. im righty but when i played in net i played lefty

    i can't throw good lefty but i switch hit pretty good

    but playing pool is where this comes most beneficial

    my freinds get pissed cause i can make shots they could never attempt

  3. I play hockey Righty. I am a natural Righty when it comes to baseball but I can hit Lefty and with more power. I can't throw a baseball or anything for that matter with my Left hand. I golf Righty

  4. Usually people use a hockey stick with the dominant hand on top, not bottom. So if you write with your right hand, you normally shoot left.

    I'm right handed and shoot right, but that's not as common.

  5. Write = Righty

    Batting = Righty

    Soccer = Shoot Lefty

    Hockey = Lefty and Righty are equal for me

  6. In writing and what not, I'm a righty. When it comes to sports though I'm a lefty.

  7. i do, im lefty and play righty

  8. Writing/eating: lefty

    Batting: righty

    Golfing: righty

    Throwing (as in a baseball or football): righty

    Hockey: lefty but switching is pretty easy for me

    In my case, I play a lot of sports as a righty because that's the way most people are taught. If someone had taught me to play with my dominant hand, I might be playing all lefty now.

  9. i write and throw righty, i play goalie righty, but when i shoot/bat/play golf i am lefty.  my dad was the same way, excet he wrote lefty, and shot righty

  10. write-righty




  11. when you can do most things equally with both hands (lefty and righty) there is a term that is something like amberdextria...i can never spell it means you're lefty and righty

  12. I am, by no means, a hockey player, but when I play retarded street hockey and whatnot, I shoot right handed, usually. I am a rightie, but I also dance and flip on my left side, which is a rarity in the dance world.

    Oh, and I "play" guitar hero with my leftie flip lol

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