
Do any of you have a preschool or are planning to start one?

by Guest33007  |  earlier

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Is the license the same as a day care license? I am a credentialed teacher and would like to start my own preschool. I may just begin with a day care and go from there. Do any of you have any suggestions? I am going to sign up for the day care training. I have been teaching for 10 years and would love to be my own boss. Plus now things are getting worse here in California with all the lay offs. Thanks for all your answers in advance. :) I teach kindergarten.




  1. Obviously not familiar with CA law so check your county or city licenses and of course ask them about state licenses but no you actually have stricter guidelines as a preschool because it will probably be partially state run.  You have to follow state teaching guidelines and they also might partially fund you.  If you can get a business plan and write it you will have a really good chance of funding since you already have teaching credentials.  Check with Small Business Assoc., AARP (don't laugh) will give you advice and places to check, your bank,

    ask these people as far as loans/funding and any questions you may have.

  2. Hi!  I am planning to start my own family-home preschool as well!!!  Preschool- kindergarten is my favorite age and I have always wanted to own my own!  I am planning to have a small family-home preschool with about 10, 3-5 year olds.

    Right now I am actually in my last semester of getting my Child Development Administration Certification- that way I will be trained in all Child Development areas as well as the administration side of it (Food Service, Staff Ratios and personnel, working with parents, budgeting, classroom licensing requirements, health and safety of a CC center, etc, etc!)  I am currently finishing up my internship and small business classes.

    The licensing requirements are different on a statewide basis.  So I would suggest checking with the California state regulations.  There also different levels that you can choose to apply to your preschool (registered, licensed, state accredited, NAEYC accredited, etc.)

    Good Luck!

  3. I presently am licensed for family child care and we are also in the process of switching to preschool instead of child care.  I'm no longer taking younger children but I am keeping those I have and when they are preschool age I will be planning to take the step to 5 day a week/4 hour day morning preschool only.  That allows for me to spend some time in my own children's classrooms.

    As you are a credentialed teacher, you should have the qualifications that you need...however, you should check with your State's licensing.  In our state, any preschool must be first licensed as day care whether it be in your home or in a building.  And in a center you must have the required administrative courses under your belt.

    Good luck!  There are definate benefits to being your own boss.  Pros and cons to everything!  Consider how many you'll be licensed with.  As for starting out as a day care...that is your know the area you live in best...but my say is if you are planning to go the preschool route...start that from the beginning.  You are a creditialed teacher and a Kindergarten one at that... this should be of a help when you are advertising to fill your spots!

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