
Do any of you have any tips for writing a great college admissions essay?

by Guest31613  |  earlier

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Do any of you have any tips for writing a great college admissions essay?




  1. Do everything you should do for a paper. Think about the topic for a day. Brainstorm ideas on paper- no judgment until you've exhausted yourself of ideas. Then, go back and get your ideas organized. Think for another day about it. Talk about your ideas with friends. Write a scrappy rough draft. Think about it. Go back to the drawing board. Read some ideas online. Edit like crazy. Write another draft. Read it to a close friend aloud. Rewrite one last time. It sounds time-consuming, but it will be worth it when you get accepted. Be as honest and creative as you can be. They read thousands of essays, how will you show that you aren't just being a kiss-butt and that you are talented, unique and will be an asset to the school?

  2. Peterson's offers some helpful tips...

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