
Do any of you know this guy?

by  |  earlier

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I've been in contact with him for almost a year now....

How could anyone feel it's OKAY to Scan this guy out of his baby, Saying because of a technicality he doesn't get the chance to see his baby. He's not asking for him back, but just a chance to speak with the aparents,

drop buy his page and show some support, he keeps getting shut down because of people repoting him falsely.

what do you think?




  1. His page takes too long to load so I lost interest.

  2. no.

  3. Yes, I know of him.

    I think it's a good example of what is wrong with the adoption system in the USA - that this father's rights could be violated because of loopholes and lack of regulation

    A classic example of why adoption ought to be a FEDERAL rather than a state issue and regulated as such.

    My heart aches for him and fathers like him

    I can't believe people would report him to get him shut down! OMG and meanwhile there are people on myspace soliciting for human babies - it's disgraceful

  4. No i don't know him.

  5. I don't know what to think about this one....I'd have have to do some internet searches before really believing that. There can be so many legit things and so many scams on can just never know.

  6. I do not know him personally, although I was previously aware of his case and many like his.  Fathers do not have many rights regarding their children.  Rights are granted to strangers before they are granted to a child's own father.  This is, sadly, not an uncommon scenario.  Our society has redefined adoption as a way to give permanent homes to children into a way to find children for people who want them.  It is not in the best interests of children and families to define adoption in this way.

    In many states, if a man does not sign a putative father's registry (which most people have never even heard about) every time he has a relationship with a woman that includes s*x, then he is at risk of losing his rights to any child he may father.  That is an absolute travesty.

  7. i've been in contact with him on myspace for a few months now as breaks my heart.

    he never surrendered his rights....never.

  8. Does anyone besides me think maybe the birth mother had a good reason for trying to keep the baby from the father??

    Just a thought but there could be a possiblity that the birth mother knew that the baby was better off away this family.

  9. Well I don't know the situation but my son's father never showed up to sign off on my son.  Therefore, his rights were automatically terminated.  But they had sent him a registered letter, of which HE signed for, and it said in BIG BOLD letters that if he failed to appear, his rights would be relinquished.  Maybe that was the case....but NO I never heard of this before.

  10. Yes I know him. he's my brother.

  11. no i dont :(

  12. Just reading about someone does not give the whole story as to what and why it happened. In order to know the full story one must be in the legal field, do the reseach, and the other factors as to why the decision was made against him. What's missing that would cause this situation to happen to him.

    I am not saying this guy is wrong and the other party right.

    When all the questions and answers are clear to everyones satifaction, then maybe I would be able to give a valid answer, but then it would only be an opinion.

    I know this much, if there is proff of any reporting about him that is false, the ones making the accusation will get into alot of trouble.  So if I were this guy, I'd find a way to get the proff.

  13. I think that unethical agencies pay lawyers overtime to figure out ways to scam fathers out of their parental rights.  Many fathers don't care so the fathers who do care get set up to get royally screwed.

    I noticed that the adoption was in Utah.  "Birth" mothers are shipped to Utah to give birth because there is no revocation period for the adoption and birth father's right are crapped on there.  It is also a state of choice for adoptive parents because it is an "adoption friendly" state.

    I wish that these fathers could organize a class action suit against these scum bag agencies.  LDS is one of the worst.  That is the only way to bring about reform.

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